A Letter Written on Dec 7, 1955

Wed eve.

Dear Patty

As I did not get to write to you befor[e] to day I will write you know. We are have [sic] sales at the store and I am kept very busy just at present. I want [to] make you any cakes and send them to you, for you wont [sic] get them till you come home for mail is very slow at present. Mother said I should tell you she got your letter to day, she said she wrote to you I believe she said yesterday I am not sure but she said she wrote you. Well Dad got the car to day and she said it [is] all right again but they where [sic] out a car for a day or so. They had to use the buss. [sic] Mother is at class party to night. And I am a going to one to-morrow night [at] the store. And Bertie is going to one Tuesday night. Don't know when Dad will have their party.

I went shoping [sic] on Monday night with Mother. Is their [sic] any think [sic] I can get you. let me know before it [is] to [sic] late.

Bertie got a letter from Judy to day[.] Thank her for the blouse and said she It [is] very cold hear [sic] to-day again it had got warmer but know [sic] it [is] cold again. I think we will have snow soon. I was down trying to straiting [sic] up the celler [sic] a little but did not get very much done.

Well I guess this is all for this time So I say good by hoping to see you before long God bless you

Yours truly