A Letter Written on Jan 23, 1957

The Jefferson
Richmond - Virginia

Wed morning

Dear Patty

Was very glad to hear from you. I am writing this before I go out this morning, for when evening comes I forget to write was going to write Sunday, but was down to mothers all day and when I got home why it was to[o] late.

Well I guess you are just about ready for your examins [sic], and ready to go to New York. I am sending the money for your reckord witch [sic] you would like to get so let me know if you get it all right. I have been working off and on since New Year. Got my first check from social ceruity [sic] and it was a pretty nice one. So I guess will get one every month from know [sic] on which I hope I do. I want to get a colar [sic] television too. Dad think[s] they cost to[o] much so I see it may be the only one I buy. Well we are have [sic] spring weather since Monday it [has] taken all the snow we had but it [is] very dirty. But we had a very hard rain storm last night. Dad should of [sic] had his care [sic] out in it for it [is] a mess. Mother was at class meeting last night over to Mickles [sic] in Elm wood. Well I guess I have to close for I guess they will soon be [here] for me, so I say good-by and lots of Luck, and May God bless you

Yours truly