Wed. NoonHi Honey:
How was the big week-end? Rod turn out okay? I hope he didn't do too much drinking, it might reflect on your reputation.
Monday night Dad and I went to the Capitol. I have 6 passes too bad you can't use them. It rained here off and on all day.
Yesterday I felt lousy all over. I had a reaction from the flu shot. I might as well have had it as I felt as bad. Today I'm okay again.
Go a little easy on your last shipment of Toll House Cookies. I don't think we'll make any next week. The next shipment will probably be girl scouts cookies. Sandy just brought our two boxes in last night.
As a reward for your #1 in physics I'm sending you some home made cashews. I packed them last night but forgot to bring them along this morning. The #1 just fine, keep up the good work. How are your other studies coming you don't say too much about them? Don't you get marks in them too?
Instead of asking Rod to everything can't you ask some of the other boy friends you met up there, they wouldn't have to come so far.
I sent that blouse I bought in Philly to you in the last package maybe you can get some use out of it. Never again will I buy in Blaumer's [sic - should be Blauner's]. Here when I was ready to send it I noticed a hole which you will see I darned.
We had bad news last night. Grandma Feiser called and said Uncle Ivan Boker is very ill and they don't expect him to live longer than 1 month. I think he has cancer.
Did you notice John Custer's and Caroline MacEslin picture in today's
picturepaper in connection with the frolic.It will be alright to charge your two books of poems on the expense account - THiS TiME.
How's your cleaning coming? You'll soon have to start house cleaning for Thanksgiving. You won't want your room to look like a pig pen for grandma.
Have you started your X mas list as yet. You better let me know what you want so I can pick things up whenever I see them. I might have to do Grandma shopping too, as she doesn't get in to town any further than Sitler's.
If you want to go into N.Y. to see Janie why don't you do it on your way home for your Xmas vacation? Then you could do some shopping too and then you wouldn't have an extra fare either.
Everyone is okay here. See you soon.