Sunday Afternoon
Dear Pat,
I guess you thought you would never hear from me again. I have a fairly good excuse. I've had the Flu and spent most of the
last weekweek before last in bed. I went back to classes last Monday and I'm really snowed under. I don't see how I'm ever going to make up the work. It's just one of those things you know into every life a little rain must fall.Yesterday I had a pleasant surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Attig and Marie came up to see Bob. Now I miss you and York more than ever. Well to be truthful not York just you. I hope you are having a wonderful time with your dramatics work and that classes aren't getting you down. Mr. Attig is leaving this week for Puerto Rico and the rest of the family will probably move down in several months.
Tell Dot that two of her friends at George Junior escaped last week. They were caught in about 48 hours. They had their heads shaved and were given a good beating according to all reports.
We have been having quite an outbreak of gambling and drinking in the dorms and the dean is tearing his hair out. If he sent one home he would have to send about half of the school. I can sit back and watch the fun because I'm not involved fortunately. It's mostly the frats.
I have seen several good movies "Deep in my Heart" was my favorite. Anyone who said that the dances should be cut is crazy. I thought Cyd's was just out of this world. Last night we went to Sharon to see "Battle Cry" as war pictures go I think it was one of the best.
When does your vacation begin? I am hoping you don't have to go back before I come home. It's been too long.
Please forgive my writing as I've been trying to write[,] listen to the radio, and talk to the kids. Anyway it's Sunday and Sunday always depresses me up here I don't know why.
Remember I love you.