Dear Pat,
The Internal Revenue Bureau belived [sic] you! Here is your refund. [no longer with the letter] Hope you send the subscription orders thru promptly. Mother owes you your commission of $2.75 on the Post but she's holding out for dealer's price on the other one. I am enclosing an article about Ed Murrow, whose Missus is on your Board.
If you want us to bring you back to school after the Spring vacation, call the Roger Smith in Holyoke as soon as you can and make a reservation for Mother and me for Sunday, April 3rd. We want a room with bath and prefer twin beds. Explain to them that we might be held up by Palm Sunday traffic and arrive late so that they will hold the reservation for us. Tell them we will cancel in good time if our plans are changed. Then just get a one way ticket. If you want to check any baggage thru to Lancaster you will have to buy your thru ticket at Holyoke instead of your Pennsy ticket separately in NY like you did the last time. Do you have to have a letter from us to stop over in NY like you did at Xmas? If so, don't wait 'til the last minute again.
How are your funds holding out? Ricky Hipple had his wallet lifted on his way in to Manhattan and was left without even a dime to make a phone call. Fortunately, they had a friend living within walking distance who lent him a few dollars. When you leave school, have your funds distributed several places on your person and not all in one place like he did. If you ever do get stranded like that, go to the Travelers' Aid booth in the RR station and ask their advice as to the best way of getting assistance from us.
Bring along your Tape Recorder literature when you come home or mail it on ahead (3rd class mail) if you don't want to carry it.
For dinner today we are having lobster tails and relatives. I'll have to go down and split them now, the lobster tails that is. So long for now.