A Letter Written on Feb 24, 1957

Sunday Afternoon

Dear Patty:

Guess where I'm writing this letter. On a side street up in Harrisburg. Just left Grandma out to go see the Cohen's. We just came from eating at the Howard Johnson's along the river. Grandma Feiser wanted to celebrate her 80th birthday, it's a little early - March 14th[.] This is as far as I got in Harrisburg. The Cohen's were'nt home so we didn't have to wait.

We still didn't receive your marks maybe they only send them once a year. Glad to hear that Dance Club is almost finished, but what's next?

Daddy finished all of your prints and he'll send them along pretty soon.

Do you want daddy to save the one New Yorker that has all about stage lighting in gen'l by Jean Rostudtat and about Jean Rosenthal in particular.

Daddy had to send his light meter back. The needle stuck.

Wed. night Jane, Peg & Mary and I played bridge at the Y and Mary won. It was a benefit for College Club. I saw some of your old friends there. Mary Logan and a few other teachers. Mrs. Stambaugh asked Charlie about you the other day while he was fixing her teeth. Says Heistand [?] isn't what it used to be. Too many kids that can't learn and they don't have the time to spend with them.

Carolyn getting all ready for the big day March 9th[.] Too bad you can't be here. We're invited to both the wedding and reception at Yorktown. You might send her a card. They got a new car from his uncle for a wedding present and Mae says they're getting a lot of other things. I bought a dress yesterday for it. I guess it's going to be toney.

The little kids are growing up. Mary Eliz. Towne [?] is modelling for Bear's Fashion Show. David graduates this June as does Ricky.

On Dad's day off he put in a car washer but he goofed somewhere as it only works with the motor turned off. Imagine going down the highway and you want to clean the wind shield, off goes the motor.

Talk about Kim being smart. Tonight on Sullivan's show they had Xavier Cugat and his band, and they were using those things you hold in your hand and shake well Kim got down off my lap and went to hers and began to play with it. Grandma several weeks ago gave it to her to play with and it was in a pile with her other things and she went and picked this out to play. You didn't know you had a rumba player in the family did you.

Did you get your watch and ring as yet?

Everyone is okay here. Take good care of yourself and we'll see you soon.

Oh by the way I think you might like to have the enclosed. [no longer with the letter]
