Wed eve.
Dear Patty
I will write to you to-night as I, am over at Kling baby sitting was going to write Tuesday but was over here too and forgot to bring paper over to do it (write) I guess you got the cakes and candy. Hope the cakes staid whole this time[.] Hope you got your curtains and rods up and every think [sic] works out alright, take care of yourself so you dont [sic] get sick, get plenty of rest and dont [sic] work too hard. It [is] getting cold hear. [sic]
We went down to Westminster last Sunday to see Lurlie & Sellman. Saw June this morning on the Buss. And she was asking about you. And ask[ed] if you had a st[e]ady regular or what. I said I did not think you did. She said that she did not have any and did not want any for a while. She said she would of [sic] liked to of [sic] see you.
My back is a little better I guess it will take a little while till it gets alright.
Take care of those glasses and dont loose then [sic] I am giving then [sic] to you know [sic] instead of waiting till Christmas for I think you cam [sic] use them know. [sic] Well I dont [sic] know any think [sic] else to say So I guess I say good night and May God bless you
Yours truly