A Letter Written on Jan 5, 1955

Wed. eve.

Dear Patty:

I guess you are hard at (it.) know [sic] but dont [sic] work to[o] hard. how [sic] was thing[s] back at school when you got back. I guess you where [sic] very tired when you arrived at Collage [sic] and have lots to do. Well it try [sic] to get a little cold hear [sic] it started to-day. I have been very busy. Mrs Nauss has been off sick and I would be the only one their [sic] in the morning out part. to work she is better and is coming in to-morrow. I hope you[r] cold is better. by this time. I guess you meet lots of girl[s] on the train going back.

Mother & dad where hear [sic] a little while this eve. Well I dont [sic] have very much to say for this time so I guess I have to close and May God bless you and keep you

Your[s] truly