A Letter Written on Mar 10, 1957

Sunday afternoon

Dear Pat,

If you think I'm not getting slightly upset you're wrong. Not one word from you since Christmas. How come!?! I know you're busy but so are we all but lets [sic] manage to drop a line once and [sic] a while.

Things here are going to be quiet for a time I hope because I have a beastly cold and we just got through having a million tests.

This week the college gave Brigadoon and it was a sellout. Most of the profs seem to think it was the best ever done here and from what I've seen I agree. The kids really gave it everything they had.

Did you know that Dottie had the lead in York's production of Plain & Fancy? I wish I could have seen it.

We have really been having a high old time this semester with lots of the kids who were graduated last year dropping in on weekends. But then to the social elite of Holyoke, Smith, etc. I guess we lead pretty dull lives.

When are you going to be home for spring vacation? Please write immediately and let me know because if it's this coming weekend or the weekend of the 23rd I'll come home to see you if you would like me to. I'd like to come home so say when.

I won't write anymore till I hear from you. I hope it isn't any longer than a few days.

As always,

Excuse the errors and gruffness but this cold is murder.