[Almost no punctuation in the letter, though it's usually pretty clear where sentences begin and end. I added all the paragraph breaks for ease of reading.]So. H. Falls May 13 - 88
Dear Bro
I did not think I should have to answer my own letter[.] But I have been a waiting for months for a letter from you or some one of the family[.] I wrote you last Dec soon after Ezra & Marys 15 anniversary of the wedding asking you or some one of the family to inform us about the party also about the presents. But we have waited in vain as yet. We have heard from G[reenwich] indirectly so that we have evidence that G is still on the face of the earth. Allice Scott told wife that she had received a letter from Mary a little while since she said in her letter that a great many families in town had the measles but her family had escaped so far[.]
So far so good. And now I will start on another theme[.] My Bro how have you stood it during the long cold winter. I think you cannot recall such a winter as the one 87 & 88 has been. Not on account of the extrem[e] cold for weeks at one time but for steady cold weather from Nov to middle of April. The first snow that came never left until it with the big one that came the 12th of March that Blizzard. I suppose there was not much variation in the storm at G and So. H. Falls. The snow in my front yd was some 6 to 8 feet deep. Such a snow storm you nor I never saw before neither no other person I dont think. This will do for part at present.
And how is your health this spring Bro[?] Are you able to do some choring about the house[?] When the 5th day of May came I had my thoughts mor[e] or less on you 80 yrs old to day. Could it be so I could hardly realize that you & I were so many years older than the age allotted to man 3 score yrs & 10. But the good Lord has spared us while he has taken some on our right hand & some on our left who commenced life with us[,] our school mates[.] There is Mr. Torons family all gone save one I don't know as she is living (Mrs. Saddler also Mr Bonds family and so it is with a great many other familys [sic] in G. I have great occasion to thank God and take courage for the blessings from him day by day[.] he has given me health and strength so I have been able to work more or less through the past winter[.] My appetite has been very good and could sleep pretty well nights.
Genia's family are well also Irvings[.] Irving has moved up to west part of City called the Highlands[.] I received a letter from Everett a few weeks sinc[e.] All well as usual And now will you please to answer this as soon as convenient.
This from your Bro
J. M. Alden
Love from all to all