Mark Schwartz 3/2/60
Dear Sue Ellen,
First I'll try to kill off your questions in some semblance of order. While I was sick I couldn't do anything for school! The last few weeks, which were actually the Christmas holidays, this boy worked like mad to complete the first half years work. English, Physics and German weren't too bad, but I had an Intermediate Algebra exam looming ahead. Believe me - when I say I sweated those few weeks I mean it, but it was worth it! A 98% isn't too bad. It would have been 100% but, being a complete imbecile, I took 41/2 and got 16!! Well - as you said, that's life.
Re my class juinor. [sic] It's funny - but when Ron told me you and he no longer "went together" I was greatly surprised. I guess it's because I met you through him but "zeit zerbrecht."
Now - about Al. You're close! He's at Yale Graduate School working for a Ph.D. in Bio-Physics. That also answers
you'reyour questions about the summer. I've probably told you I'm a semi-pro photographer. Some of his work involved photographic analization [sic] so I had a job. I spent six weeks serving as his photographer and lab technician. A funny note on the summer - there was a beautiful technician there who looked to be seventeen. Being a normal male I tried to get a date with her and suceeded. [sic] We went to see L'il Abner at "The Theater in the Round." Afterwards Al explained something to me. This was all a very carefully arranged plot, against me - off [sic] course! He had taken her out several times and she was twenty two! He had made sure I got the date and has held it over my head everscsince!!Enough about myself. I must be boring you terribly. A favor to ask - would it be possible for you to send me a picture of yourself? After over a year, I am forced to admit my memory of what you look like is very vague. It would be greatly appreciated!
I'm glad you remembered "38 So Clinton" and me. At first I thought you might forget. Well I'm afraid I'm being beckoned by a Trig book so I must leave you. Write soon!
RembRemember your old friends - Gazarian, Etnas, and fachterish??