Dear Sue Ellen,
How is you?
I do not know what to tell you since so many things have happened since I wrote you last time. But to start:
We rented a furnished "flat" in London. It is great. (Ha! Ha!) The refrigerator is the size of a portable TV but we are happy to have one since many people don't. The heating according to contract did not go on until last week even though we were freezing to death. The apartment is divided into two parts. Unfortunately the kitchen (which is 1/4 the size of yours) is on one floor and the dining room on another. Isn't that smashing?
My brother and I both go to school.
I go to school(The first year of college is in regular school). So every morning we get into our wild school un[iform] - striped ties (mine is special because I'm a sixth former), blazers, and a baseball cap. As you may guess, nobody wears the caps until they are around the corner from the school.Last week after the theater, I had another thrilling experience. I'll start from the beginning. I came home from basketball practice and was all tired out. My next door neigbor [sic] downstairs had 2 theater tickets and wanted me to come with him. I touched my old man for the car and we went. After the show and going for coffee we returned to the car - but it wasn't there. The Metropolitan Police had gone to work! We went over to a cop and told him the car was stolen. We knew it wa[s]n't but we had to act
nievedumb. I expected him to panic but he did not. This got me angry. He called up the pound and I was ready to call the Embassy and the Chief of Police. That is a hell of a way to treat foreign visitors. We took a bus to the pound and as the miles rolled by I could see all the pounds and shilling[s] roll out. Luckily for the police they didn't charge a cent and so I let British-American relations stay peaceful.How is school? How do you like being a Junior?
Say hello to everybody from this side of the ocean.
AndrewExcuse the handwritting [sic] please I'm on the Underground.