A Letter Written on Oct 19, 1962

114 Victory Ave.,
Schenectady 7, N.Y.
Oct. 19, 1962.

Dear Sue Ellen:

It was such a joy to read your letter and to know just what you are doing. I am hoping that you will be very happy there and make many wonderful acquaintances. I am sure you will do very well as a reporter on the paper. That will be a good way to meet people and to know what is going on at the college. By the way your stationery is very lovely and I hope you will write very often.

I am glad you like the Tweed perfume and powder. Use it in good health. Your courses are certainly stimulating and you will be a very educated young lady when you graduate. I am hoping and praying that I may be priviledged [sic] to be there.

How often do you take riding? Did you get a riding outfit before you left, or do you use those from the college. Yes, indeed, your college does bring you cultural entertainment, and you are very fortunate to have the opportunity to hear and see all these people.

For a freshman, I think you have more than the average on your social life. Watch carefully wih [sic] whom you go and be sure they are all N.J.B.'s. [nice Jewish boys]

I was quite surprised to hear that you were going to Cornell. However, no doubt your parents gave you permission and so I hope you will enjoy your week-end. Will going to Cornell sort of cut you off from other dates, as the girls might think you are serious about Harold? I am not too well informed so don't worry about it. Just be your own sweet self and don't do any drinking, etc.etc.

I am very happy that you attended Yom Kipper Services. It was very nice of your host to come for you. I am planning to attend services tonite [sic] with Harriet and her family. Max usually brings me upn to Harriets [sic] and then I go to the temple with them.

Herman was glad and so was Max that you mentioned them and they also wish you good health and happiness for the coming year. When will your next visit home be. I am looking forward to seeing you and, of course, I will be more than happy if your parents take me to see you and your wonderful college.

We had expected Uncle Arthur this week-end but Aunt Edythe telephoned yesterday that he will not be here this week-end, a change in company's plans no doubt.

The weather to-day is just perfect and hope it continues for many a week. No matter how short the winter is, it is always too long for me.

We are having our Social Service Card Party on Nov. 14th and I have sold 125 tickets to-dayte.

Love to you and kisses from
Grandma. [Sadie Clara Rickman Fein]

[Sue Ellen's grandmother's name was deduced by the return address (Mrs. Max Fein) and some sleuthing on FamilySearch.org to construct Sue Ellen's maternal family tree.]