Larry M. Friedman
2306 Cayuga Road
Schenectady 9, NYWed 10/24 1PM
Dear Sue Ellen,
I stayed home from school today to get caught up on my homework. I have a history paper due Friday and an English book report due Monday. The History paper is on conflicting causes of the Am. Revolution & I have spent the morning working on it. For Eng. I'm going to read the autobiography of Mark Twain.
Last night was Model UN, & yesterday afternoon was my drum lesson. Consequently, I did not get an[y] homework done so that this morning I also had to complete that. I'm working with Doni Kwolek, Pete Usher & Nancy Brown on UN & we have a fabulously large country: Luxenbourg. [sic] With Doni's luck we were about 15th from the end & there was not much left. Even Upper Volta was taken before us. Bishop Gibbons has Russia, Shenendohowa has the U.S., Gibbons has the U.K & Niska has China & Cuba. Linton didn't get anything big & we didn't do much better. I'll have to say that for its first year in the U.N. B.G. didn't do too badly for itself.
The football team is still very complacent & will probably lose to Bethlehem unless there is an unforseen change of attitude among some of the kids. Shaker should have killed us last week & they would have except for a lucky break in the last quarter when Jay Fowler picked up a Shaker fumble in their backfield & ran all the way for a touchdown. The extra point was sucessful [sic], tying up the score, with only a minute left.
Ti's was fair last Sunday. We heard Rev. Albohm speak and then had a discussion with his youth group from the Zion Lutheran Church on State Street. I'll go to other ti meetings but I'm not anywhere's [sic] near sold on the group. I did pay my dues though and will try to support the group.
It was very nice to talk to you last weekend. Mother sat at the phone all day waiting for your call so I wish you would call sooner in the future.
I wanted you to write to Kathy because
sheyou told me you wanted her to write to you but she won't write unless you write first. Just drop her a postcard if you have time. Her adress [sic] is 1528 Valencia Road.Last Friday night we went to the Edison Club Dance. The attendence [sic] was only fair but the dance was pretty good. Saturday we had another class party which was
prettyrather interesting. As you can see I didn't have too much time for homework so I had to stay out today.The bonfire which was played for
Sat.Friday night before the B.C. game has fallen through because all of the coaches are going to Johnstown to scout Scotia & we can not have it without coaches. We will probably have the bonfire before the Scotia game.Basketball starts next Thursday and I can hardly wait. I've been practicing one or two
nightsdays a wk. after school in the gym & on Saturday mornings at Lester's.In the choir Miss Mooney has a new way of seating us. The back row is the best singers and we get worse as she moves toward the front row which is composed of the weakest & poorest. There are five rows & I'm in the second from the back which is good because now I can do some homework during Choir if I'm stuck or am having a test later in the day.
The news is certainly terrible. many people feel that we won't live too much longer, but I cannot agree with them. I feel that someone will back down & the cold war will continue. Don't let the news worry you too much. Instead spend your time studying & dating. "Have a good time today because you might not be here tomorrow" is sounding more & more like good sense I'm afraid to say.
I guess that's all for now except have a good time at Cornell. Thanks for the post card this week. We all enjoy reading your mail.
Love Larry
P.S. I'll write again next week. Say hello to Barb and anyone else who your [sic] friendly with for me. You can even say hello to Harold for me!