Larry M. Friedman
2306 Cayuga Road
Schenectady 9, NYNov 2, 1962
9:00 P.M.Dear Sue Ellen,
I'm writing this letter from bed! Tonight is the Halloween party in Albany but I can't go. Today at practice I landed on
mythe big toe ofthemy right foot. It hurt so badly that Dad took me down to the Ellis Hospital after I finally reached him. We got to the hospital at six and spent over an hour there while they took x-rays. The x-rays proved negative. Dr. Gipstein's prescription is for asprin [sic] and a cold pack. I'm using mother's foot stool which dad just got from the Rifkins who had borrowed it. My toe is swollen very badly and is getting black and blue. A beautiful sight. This is going to be a very unusual weekend, since I can't walk. I think I'll be able to play again by next Wed. or Thurs. Then maybe I'll have a little better luck.So far I haven't practiced much. Yesterday I sang until 4:00 so I was late for practice. Today I had Student Council and then I only played about 15 minutes before I hurt my foot.
Linda Cohn just called to say hello and ask me how I was. Shelly talked to me for about 5 minutes telling me how sorry she was that I couldn't come and how she wanted me to come over some other time. Well, that's enough about my foot!
Nov. 3, 10:00 AM
After talking to Linda, I called Kathy. That took about 40 minutes. Then I went to sleep so I didn't get to write you anymore. I had a very interesting night, waking up ever[y] hour on the hour to change my position and move the ice on my foot. Now my toe hurts almost as much as it did yesterday. The swelling has gone down a little but other than that it's still pretty bad.
Mom just brought me breakfast of a [sic] egg, cereal, juice & toast. At least the service is good when you're in bed!
Marks close next Friday, but i'm [sic] still not sure of what I'm going to get. Probably a 95 in Am. History & Math, 90 in Choir & Eng & 85 in Span & Bio. We are going to take a Bio. quarterly Wed. and if I get above 90 or it [sic] I will get a 90 in the course.
The football team plays Colonie away today. We will probably win but unless B.C. beats Shaker we will not win the Suburban Council. Right now Shaker & Niska are both 5-0-1. Scotia is going to wrap up the Western conference today so that are [sic] game next week will be very interesting.
Like usual, I have a lot of homework this weekend. None of my teachers are in favor of a rest period, especially Miss Saulsbury. I'll spend the rest of today & tomorrow doing work but it is rather awkward to write in the position that I am in.
I got your copy of the spring supplement last week & I must say that it is very poorly done. There is only a little bit about the Prom and Ball. There really isn't much about anything in it.
There is nothing going on at school this weekend except the Light Opera company which is presenting the Music Man. The reviews were very good and I would have liked to see it.
but I'mBut since I'd already seen it on stage I didn't bother to get a ticket.There is a big question about Senior Privileges. It seems that the kids are abusing them so there is a very good chance that they will be discontinued next year. It really doesn't make much difference because the kids aren't allowed to do anything except study on their own, now. It just gives you the "privilege" of not going to study hall. I guess that's all for now. Hope you are feeling & doing well. Say hello to Barb & don't worry about me.
L. [Larry]