114 Victory Ave.,
Schenectady, N.Y.
Nov. 5, 1962.Darling Sue Ellen:
I was glad to hear from Mother yesterday that you were fine. Max & I went up to see Larry. His toe is practically better and he will go to school today. I brought him up some pea soup, chopped liver and an apple pie, also fruit, etc.etc. Mother and Dad were going to the Temple Dinner. They all look wonderful.
Saturday Uncle Max brought the boys down for lunch and the afternoon. We played all sorts of games, one of which was bingo and now Joel can find the numbers on the cards.
Next Saturday Nov.10th, I am hoping to go to New York to see "Milk and Honey". I wrote Aunt Mania and Aunt Clara thinking I would go with them. But since they had all seen the play; without asking me if I would care to go alone, they sent me a ticket. From the theatre I will go to see Aunt Mania and stay overnite and Sunday Uncle Sol will take me to Eastchester to see their new home and will stay there overnite and come back Monday evening. No doubt I will see the twins too. David Trager is at Fort Dix and comes
hopehome for the week-ends so hope to see him too. I haven't seen them since they came for Larry's and Linda's Bar and Bat Mitzvahs.Haven't heard from Edythe in
sweeks and will telephone her some evening this week, if I don't get any mail. I sent her an Anniversary card with check enclosed and am still waiting for an answer.By the way did I answer you on your card. I was very happy to hear that you had such a good time at Cornell. I was also glad to hear from Mother that
thatthe Mixer gave you an opportunity to meet N.J.B. [nice Jewish boys] from Williams.I will be happy to see you over the Thanksgiving week-end.
Good luck to you on all your papers.
Love and kisses to you from your loving
Grandmother. [Sadie Clara Rickman Fein]P.S. Social Service Organization is having their rummage sale this week.
Nov.14th, we will have our annual card party and I have sold 125 Tickets during my lunch hours. Not Bad-eh.