A Letter Written on May 17, 1965

[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading]

Monday morning

Darling Stef,

You're going to think me nutty, but I got up for breakfast this morning at 8 o'clock precisely to check the mailbox for a letter from you! (This is after I've instructed you not to write, of course!) Sure enough, there was a lovely postcard. Thank you.

I awoke with the most profound sense of need of you, of longing to see you, and hold you. I can't explain it, just that it's a most uncomfortable (unsatisfying) and insecure feeling not to have you here, near me. I guess I miss you more than ever, darling. I love you.

This past weekend has included very littler work, on my part, I'm afraid. Thank goodness there wasn't too much to be done (!), for I haven't hit the books more than a few hours all weekend. Saturday morning I awoke at 9 and camped outside on a blanket (ostensibly reading) to get some of the wonderfully warm sunshine. At 11:30 Craig, Wing, Mike and I went to lunch at Morse, then caught the bus up to the Bowl, where we spent the afternoon playing tennis (I know how much you hate the sport! I'm not really enthusiastic about it myself - I'm not that good - but I felt energetic and it seemed like a good way to tire myself out!). Craig and I walked home about 4 in the afternoon. I was very hot and tired and took a shower, put on some Noxzema (I was quite red: they called me "lobster"), and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon.

After dinner, I read some, then changed into long pants (as it became cooler), and went out with the boys to pick up Pizzas. We had beer and pizza in the dorm and it was fun to sit around and talk, knowing there wasn't too much work to be done, nothing that was urgent. I enjoyed myself (as much as I could being separated from you). Bernie and Karen came back from a long walk and kicked us out of the room (!), so a few idiots took toilet paper and strung it all over Bill Rapp's room (they opened his locked door easily with a metal ruler). He was away at Smith for the weekend, and was quite annoyed when he returned last night, but some goody-goodies snuck in there this morning and cleaned up the whole mess, much to my displeasure (let him clean it up!). After that, I went to bed.

Sunday morning my father and his friend from college (that sounds funny, doesn't it? His good friend from the class of 40 came along to play, too) arrived at about 10 o'clock to play golf. We had some difficulty finding the Yale Golf Course, but once we found it, everything went smoothly. It was fun to play (the first time I had played in 10 months!), and the course is beautiful! We'll have to play there, darling - I want to share the wonderous [sic] natural beauty of the place with you! I didn't play that well considering that I was hitting the ball so well. I couldn't putt at all, and wasted too many strokes on the greens. I parred a few holes and bogeyed some more, and did worse on most of them! It was still loads of fun being with my father and exploring this wonderful patch (some patch) of land, heavily-wooded. My father stayed for dinner and left immediately afterward.

Last night, I talked to Dale for hours about all sorts of things, nothing much important, but nevertheless, a very meaningful conversation. I didn't do much work (wrote about a page and one-half) of a Spanish paper due sometime before the exam next Wednesday), bu t [sic] wasn't too upset about it. Went to bed about 1. I had some difficulty falling asleep due to my sunburn (which, of course, got worse on my arms and neck due to the golf), but I had put medication on it, so eventually I did fall asleep (on my stomach!). I'm not really that red (I just look like an Indian!), and by Saturday I ought to be more bronze. My hair is quite blonde, and I must say, my skin is no longer that sickly-white it was on College Weekend (which, incidentally seems ages ago, n'est-ce pas?).

Well, that was one long paragraph of nothing! The recurring thought in my mind is that I love you, ever so much! (Why is that, darling?) Do you think it's bad that I should feel so in love, so dependent? (I don't! I feel wonderful, except that I miss you). How is your mother? Did she finish a few papers for you? I hope so, and also that you are satisfied with your progress (after all, if it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me!). I love you, darling. Can't wait until Saturday (if I get so upset not seeing you every week, I guess I'll be making a few transatlantic flights this summer to "surprise" you in Europe!). (do I sound like a, excuse-the-expression [sic], damned fool, blabbering about how much you mean to me, and about how much I love you? If so, please tell me, and I'll cut it out, but I really feel that way, and a m [sic] saying these things from the bottom of my heart.)

Well, I've just cut Chem and Math (both for the first time this semester) because of the downpour (I was at breakfast without a coat when the clouds burst[)], and the rain was unbelievable. Lightning hit Trumbull College and there were five fire engines there in a matter of minutes, as well as five other associated trucks and cars. From what I gather it wasn't too serious. The rain, however, was too much and didn't let up for a half-hour, at which time it was too late to go to Chem.

Since returning to the room, I haven't felt that great, and have done absolutely nothing. That's the trouble with relaxing: it's tough to get back to work!). It's almost 11, and since I don't have Poli Sci until 12, I think I had better do some more work on the Spanish paper, so that I can finish typing it tonight and get it out of the way. I've still got about 350 pages to read in Poli Sci before Saturday's exam, and then of course, plenty (too much) to review. I should do well, though, and feel confident after that 87 on the last one. Stay healthy, enjoy this absolutely wonderful spring (do you find you can accomplish anything studying outdoors? If so, it's wonderful to sunbathe and study), and I will see you on Saturday. Will you take a taxi to the room, or shall I come to the station to meet you? (I think I'd rather). We'll have lunch, and I'll go to the exam (you can stay in the room), to return as soon as possible, so that we can enjoy each other the rest of the all-to-short time you'll be here. I love you (how many times do I say that? Dosen't [sic] it sound repetitious? I wouldn't say it so often, except that I truly mean it, and nothing else quite says the same thing. You understand.) MWA!!
