695 Est. Grande-Allée et 1210 Place Georges V
Québec 4, Canada.Hôtel Château Laurier Inc.
QuébecNew Haven, 21 May 1965
12 n.Darling Stef,
This morning I slept late (just got up!), but very fitfully - I kept waking up every 15 minutes or so - so that at one point (about 9), I found your letter on the pillow next to my head. Now, I'll admit that your letter is not as nice as you are, in bed, but it was surely welcome. I read it, then fell back asleep. Hank was in once to find out if I were all right (why not?), and I began to wonder myself when I felt weak & dizzy upon standing up. I guess there's nothing wrong - perhaps too much sleep (tho I didn't hit the hay until 3)! I feel OK now.
While I'm sorry you're not coming down this weekend, in a way I'm glad: Hank has been telling me for the past week how foolish we are to do this when you have so much work to do, etc. I'm not sure if I wouldn't have felt just a wee bit guilty if you had come down. As for visiting West Orange, darling, don't count on it - it appears to me as though you have plenty of work to "keep you busy" until the 5th. After that, I should think all one would want to do is sleep, no?! As I say, I'm not counting on anything - if you should decide you feel like visiting (after the papers are done), just call and say so - you know you're always welcome (just call, tho, so I know when & were to meet you!).
One other thing, dear: don't write every day, even if they are "just notes" - you've enough work to do without writing. I don't want to see a letter from you every day during these few weeks. Just study, don't worry about visiting. (I'll assume you're still there!).
I'm peeling on my back and shoulders and the coloring is improving, I'm pleased to report. A little each day really does the trick.
How did you 'play' those 9 holes (and why the quotes around play?). I'd like to play golf with you sometime, either here or at MHC - I think I could restrain myself from taking you into the woods too often! By the way, darling, are there caddies there to carry your bag, or is that the instructor's job? (n.b. all these questions are to be answered in your next letter, not necessarily tomorrow! Understand?)
How come you do such a wonderful job of addressing envelopes? Every one look[s] so delicious, I almost forget there's more of that lovely writing (and wonderful thoughts) inside.
Poli Sci is boring! I'm 400 pages into Westerfield's book (I'll read the rest tonight or tomorrow morning), and today I want to review all the other reading we done [sic] (five blue books full of notes), as well as my lecture notes. I'm confident (maybe I shouldn't be), and therefore can't get too upset about anything, but I'm still planning to study hard. After the exam (ah, blissful feeling!), I'll start right in on Spanish, and see if I can't do a bang-up job on it (tho I really can't see how it matters - he'll give me whatever grade he wants to, on the exam, as well as for the final grade). I enjoy studying to learn, and I find that's much easier done with literature (you can learn things after the "nth" reading) than with something like Poli Sci, where it's more of a question of memorization of facts and formulas (yes, it's true: we have 'formulas' to determine, whether, for example, the US will intervene!)
After Spanish, it'll be Chem (next Sat.) and that I dread. I've got a good outline book, complete notes, and enough time (Wednesday afternoon on) to review, so I'm hoping to really ace that exam. If I do (I'm speculating, now, darling, don't take it too seriously!), then my marks should soar. ('nuff said). After Chem, no sweat. Hist on Tues. is a breeze (and I hope a 90), and Math won't be difficult. My parents are coming up next Sunday (30th) to take home most everything, so that after the exam on Thurs. (3rd) I can take my suitcase on the bus home. (When I return, the 11th, my room will be occupied by dates (for the Senior Prom), so I'll stay with a friend in Branford).
I guess I'll go to lunch now, and mail this on the way. Study hard, be well, and know that I, too, miss you. Love you! MWA!