The Manger Hotel
29 Clinton Ave. South * Rochester 4, N.Y.
Telephone Hamilton 6-7800
Teletype TWX RO 293Tues. 8:15 P.M. March 9
Dear Sioux Sue and Larry,
It's still Springtime in Schenectady. The weather is a little chilly, but it's a lot better than having blizzards. E
even if we get snow now it will not last long.Lar - did you check with the registrar as to whether he had sent your transcript?
SueSue - Niskayuna is taking acensus [sic] the 2 weeks you will be home. Mom thought it would be a good opportunity to pick up over a $100 by being a census taker. That's why I rushed the application to you, and asked you to return it to Town Hall at once. The applications were supposed to be in today. They need 60 people and the paper said they only had 24 Monday.
We received the new dues structure from The Edison Club today. Starting April 1, regular members dues will increase $3 per month, while Associate members (like us) will increase $2 per month. Starting April 1966 it is proposed to increase again - another $4 for regular and $1 from Associate. At that time the dues for both classifications would be the same - $27 per month.
Lar - let us know at once if you want to get a [sic] extra golf membership this summer. I have to let the Club know. There is no increase this year - it is still $30 and allows you to play at anytime, without a parent. If we don't get it you could only play with a parent.
The Teachers Federal Credit Union is having its annual dinner and meeting Sat. night March 20 at the E club. Mom called the Altmans and they will go with us. It's Joe's birthday, so we'll probably stay for Candlelight Inn on the porch, after the Credit U dinner.
Since I wrote you Sunday, the only news is that our septic tank has been cleaned out. It took two loads. I came home at 3 yesterday afternoon to be here while the work was done. It was exactly three years ago that we last had it cleaned.
Judy Altman is going to Indiana U next year. She was also accepted at Western Women's College, Oxford, Ohio. However, she decided on a bigger University.
Mom picked up Larry's suitcase and books at Dave
e's office after school today. Lar - we like the picture of the Phi Ep boys, but that hair! Don't you think you should brush it away from your forehead?Tomorrow night I have K and bowling. I feel a big score coming up - only five weeks left. The JCC is having its annual open bowling tourney Sat. night April 3 at Woodlawn. I'm going to enter it. I bowled last year, but didn't win anything. There will be prizes for high triple, high single, gross and net.
Last night Mom and I had meat loaf, a small one that Mom made when she made the big one for the family Sunday. Tonight I bought some lamb chops at Albany Public Market before I came home. I also got some potatoe [sic] patties. That was our meal tonight. Tomorrow Mom is on pot luck while I'm at Kiwanis.
Mom is still
ytaking Aunt Harriet to school every morning as her finger is still not good. It's tough for her to drive as she has that push button shift and it bothers her finger.I just finished Kiwaniska News, so I'll enclose a copy for each.
Mom is getting some more clippings to enclose. She spents [sic] a lot of time going over the papers to clip things for you.
No news at VA. I wonder if Pres Johnson saw the letter he got from me today. No doubt some 22nd secretary opened the mail and got out stock answer No. 354.
That's all for now. Keep well and write us.
Daddy [Arnold J. Friedman]
KIWANISKA NEWS March 11, 1965
OUR MARCH 17 MEETING WILL- be Ladies Night. You are requested to bring your wife to
our regular meeting next Wednesday, St. Patrick's Day, at
6:15 P.M. We expect to present a musical program, plus
a surprise from Harry Soffer. The perfect attendance tabs
for last year will be awarded. Lt. Governor Samuel Coppola
and his wife will be our guests. The dinner will be an
extra special one, and the cost will be 50¢ a person above our regular charge.AT THE LAST BOARD OF------ Directors meeting Arnold Friedman and Franklin Rapp were
elected delegates to the Kiwanis International Convention
in New York City July 4-8. The alternate delegates are
Gerald Hennessy and Douglas Feltheusen.CHAIRMAN VIC MION HAS----- arranged for an interclub with the Rotterdam Kiwanis club
for Tuesday evening, March 16. You are welcome to make
this interclub at Canali's Restaurant at 6:30.THE ROAD SIGNS LEADING----- into the city and town have been brought up to date by
Chairman John Friguletto and the Public and Business Affairs
committee. The signs now show the correct place where we meet.A JOINT LADIES NIGHT WILL- be held by the Gloversville and Johnstown Kiwanis clubs on
Saturday night March 20 at the Rainbow Restaurant, Johnstown.
Social hour is at 6:30, with dinner at 7:30. The cost is
$4.50 per person.THE FIVE KIWANIS CLUBS---- of Schenectady County have joined together to attempt the
re-organization of a Circle K Club at Union College. George
Sawyer and Fred Zilly will represent our club in this project.
The four Kiwanis clubs of Fulton and Montgomery Counties are
in the process of organizing a Circle K Club at the new
Fulton-Montgomery Community College. We are also exploring
the possibility of organizing a Key Club at Shenandehowa [sic]
High School, Elnora. This project will be undertaken by
George Sawyer and the Key Club committee.OUR CLUB IS AGAIN GOING--- to have a reception for new citizens next month. We have
sponsored new citizen receptions before. Emil Stroule is
in charge of the arrangements for our club.FOR THE MONTH OF FEB.----- our club attendance again reached 98%. We are grateful to
the members for maintaining such a high attendance record.
Let's keep it up all year.