Tuesday, February 16, 7:35 p.m.
Hi, kids,
This is a carbon although some of it will be old stuff to Lar since it will contain bits of information that I forgot to include in my Sunday letter to SE. Just skip over it, Larry.
Did you notice that the name of your plane was Air Chief Onondaga, Lar? Very neighborhood-ish, I thought. Incidentally, the Wemples have returned from a two months' cruise to the Mediterranean. I spoke to Mrs. Dulac yesterday and she caught right on to the idea that it would be a better idea to mail out their transcripts at the end of this week than today or tomorrow. So I'm sure that will be OK. No charge for their service. She asked how you were doing and where you were planning to apply. Be sure you do your forms carefully and look them over after a couple of hours to be sure you have answered everything correctly. If you do it right away, you may overlook a mistake; let it "cool off" first. I'm so sorry we didn't get to them Sunday. Some time send us a listing of your class schedule, Lar. I like to know when you are where. Uncle Max said that LodenFrey, the manufacturer of your new coat, was his father's chief competitor.
The Feigenheimers were here for dinner last night - all of them. I don't think we mentioned to SE that Aunt Harriet had broken her finger Friday. I pick her up for school in the morning and Uncle Max gets her at 3. It's the middle finger of her left hand; she didn't feel too uncomfortable today, and she says she has such good lesson plans for this week that she's not turning them over to a substitute. The Feigenheimers, especially Aunt Harriet, thought Larry looked very well and very happy and felt he was very well adjusted. She found it difficult to believe that you were still not happy at U or R; she said you sounded "enthusiastic." The kids loved Mary Poppins; they were two of 27,000 to see it at Proctor's between Friday and Sunday evening! It will continue through March 3; I'll wait till you get home, SE; maybe you'll see it with me Saturday afternoon; Daddy doesn't want to see it.
I don't have a class at Albany on February 27; the professor has to go to a wedding. Are you still getting the Times, Sue Ellen? Did you ever finish with that stack you had in your double? I hope you didn't transfer them from one to another. I forgot to tell you that the bill came Saturday from Bonwit's; I'm glad you found something. I hope it was what you wanted. Two items - what where the?y? [sic]
Marjorie Morningstar is the Tuesday night movie. I wanted to see Margie Kestenblatt's sequence, but Poppa was watching another channel and I missed that fragment.
We had a department meeting after school. Beginning Thursday I'm going to have an after-school reading lab for college-bound kids who haven't been able to schedule it in their regular program. I will conduct it until Spring Vacation, Tuesday and Thursday. This is in response to the kids' request, and 15 have signed up. I am limiting the size to 20. I am willing to do it because my periods 5 and 6 are very small and very manageable groups, and so I am able to stand on my feet at the end of the day. Last term's period 6 group of 20 had me reeling!
Did you know that Mary Howland [sic], a MHC graduate in 18??, was the originator of the Valentine card industry in this country? Until that time all valentines sent here were imported from Germany and England. She, however, never found her own valentine, and died a spinster. I heard it on some radio program - Martha Brooks, I think, Friday morning.
Keep well. Drop us a card telling us what's your status. Save the long news for when we see you.
Love n' kisses,
Mother [Eleanor F. Friedman]
KIWANISKA NEWS February 18, 1965
IT WILL BE AN UNUSUAL---- program for our meeting of February 24. It will be wine
tester night. A representative of a well known wine company
will explain the wines that are servee [sic] with different types
of food. All you gourmets should be present, as I hear that
we may have samples.THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS--- voted a donation to the Charlton School for Girls in honor of
the appearance before our club of Charles John Stevenson. Mr.
Stevenson is very interested in helping that school.IT WAS A PLEASURE TO----- have Explorer Post 99 as our guests at the meeting a week ago.
This is the Post of the Boy Scouts which we have sponsored now
for 9 years. many thanks to Chet Kozlowski for the fine work
he has done with those boys.CHET KOZLOWSKI WILL BE--- the new chairman of our Boys and Girls Committee. He takes over
from 2nd V.P. Fred Zilly who remains as chairman of International
Relations and will now be more active with the Key Club committee.WE ARE SORRY TO REPORT--- the death of Mrs. Henry Ilnicki, wife of a former Lt. Governor
of the Mohawk Division. Our club sent flowers.NEED WE REMIND YOU THAT-- there are only four Wednesdays in February and that means that
you should not have any problem in getting 100% attendance for
the month. We had over 98% for January. I'd like to see one
month where we make a 100% record.ALTHOUGH THERE MAY BE---- some more money coming in from the ad book, as of this date we show
a profit of $1607.83 from our Travel and Adventure Series last
Fall. That was our only profit raising project last year and
the funds will be used for our service work this year.We may
have to curtail some items because of lack of funds. However,
We want to thank everyone again for the work on the Travelogue.
We hope next year's committee can come up with a $2000 profit.WE WELCOME A NEW MEMBER-- to our club. He is Stuart Sanders who lives in Netherlands
Village and is employed as an advertising specialist with
General Electric at Waterford. Stu is a former Kiwanian from
the State of Washington. Welcome to the club, Stu.HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES---- this week go to Don Frankel who celebrates on the 23rd. That
same day is the wedding anniversariesy of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Starr and Mr. and Mrs. Jules Scheinseit.DOC HAL GILBERT SAYS----- a toothache is a pain that drives you to extraction. See you at the wine taster meeting Wed.