Tuesday, 8:15 p.m. Feb. 23
Hi, kids,
Daddy is at the Trustees meeting, and I've just finished clipping today's Gazette and Times and talking briefly with Ernie and Margie. First of all I want to tell you how touched we were by your phone calls - the coincidence of it - that you should both call within thirty seconds of each other. Sioux Sue, we had no sooner hung down from talking with you when the phone rang, and it was Lar. He said he had tried a few minutes earlier, and the line was busy, and he figured we were talking with you. You both sounded so well and happy, in spite of being so busy. I hope the calls didn't cost you so much.
We had a pleasant visit with June and Jay at Hogan's on Keyes Avenue - the place has been completely remodeled, and it is really a very fine place to go for lunch or an unpretentious dinner. The food comes from Hogan's State Street place, and it is good!
Larry, Margie was home last week-end, and she said her mother has called you about three times, but no messages are accepted, so she hasn't been able to let you know. She hopes you will call her when you get a chance.
Sue Ellen, I called Emile's, and the only appointment I could get was 3:45 Saturday, which is probably a good time anyway, because we should be through with our shopping well before then, and you wouldn't want to walk around all day with hairs down your back after a shaping. If you decide you don't want it, you still have plenty of time to cancel. I also called Dottie Ryon, Marie Christine, Country Miss, and Loretta Lane, and all of them have gowns in your size, all on sale, and I'm sure we should find something very lovely and not too expensive. June offered to let you borrow her gown, but it's all black, a size 12, and you probably don't want an all black gown at this stage of your life. I'm glad I don't have class this Saturday. We can get an early start, and if whatever you buy needs altering, we would still have time to go to Mrs. Coffey's. So I'm sure everything will work out OK.
Getting back to school today was so compulsive I felt I had never been away. I have lots of work to do tonight, so I'm not going to make this a long letter. Lar, your card came today from Cornell. Thanks for the anniversary wishes, and thank Jon, too. How come we didn't notice that "wart" on your hand when you were home? It may be a very minor thing to remove, but if it doesn't bother you, and you don't mind waiting until you get home in March, you could have Milt look at it then. Don't dig at it. Remove Remember when you had them on your feet. I understand Yale upset Cornell Saturday, so you were rooting for the right team!
Sioux Sue, Friday night is Pulpit Exchange night with First Reformed; Rev. Dykstra will preach the sermon, and the church members will be our guests at services, so we hope to go to that. Perhaps you will want to go, too.
How did you make out with the English situation, Lar? Any luck? Were you able to get out your applications? I'm sorry now that I didn't send the ones to Niskayuna this week; they would have arrived at the schools after March 1, but not that much later, and it probably wouldn't have been that serious. Well, I'm sure it will be OK anyway. First chance you get you will have to have your Rochester marks forwarded. I can imagine how busy you will be the next week, getting reading done for your hourlies. You know how to use your time now, so you should be able to handle it in stride.
SE, did you ever speak to Mr. Williams about the grade? It was Mr. Williams, wasn't it? Speak up, girlie. I know from my own experience that many times teachers can't really justify subjective grades, and on a second look they will notice that their original evaluation was not fair. So don't be afraid to call your question to his attention.
I was disappointed when I saw in the Times today to see that Fiddler had had a matinee yesterday, disappointed because when the idea occurred to me that they might, I didn't send for the tickets. As things are now, Daddy and I hope to be in NY for the Kiwanis Convention the first week of July, and we will send for tickets for then. I'm sending the check out this week.
I had my double activity after school today - reading lab and UA meeting following that. Tomorrow I have a curriculum committee meeting for next year's tenth graders; we are switching the emphasis on American Lit from 11th to 10th grade for the better groups for next year, and probably from then on. Also tomorrow night is Garden Club. And Thursday is reading lab and reading association. I'll be glad to go to the beaut
ify parlor Friday at 3:30!Keep well. Let us know what's what, even on a post card.
Daddy will meet you in Albany, SE, and we'll seeyou [sic] Friday.
Love and kisses,
Mommy [Eleanor F. Friedman]