Sunday, 7 p.m. Feb. 14, 1965
Hi, Valentine-honey,
Daddy said he would go downtown to mail this so you will have mail tomorrow. I should clean the keys, I know, and I will before the next letter, but I don't want to take the time now. In order to bring you up to date on details, I will start with today and work backwards.
Larry called from Rochester at 5:50 to let us know he had arrived safely. The trip took less than an hour in flight, because he didn't wing out of Albany until 4:45. Isn't that marvelous time! I'm sure he enjoyed the trip. The sky was so clear and blue when the plane took off, and there didn't seem to be any wind. I'm sure he'll be a confirmed flyer from now on. So easy to become spoiled! $17.75 one way.
We had such a busy day today - it's a good thing he didn't leave at noon, which is when he would have had to go by bus or train since he had to be back for the rush smoker at 7 tonight. This morning we had big breakfasts - oatmeal for everyone but Lar - three scrambled eggs for him - and hot bagel, etc. Grandpa was just stuffed. I did [a] lot of ironing for Lar - he had brought home several soiled shirts and three pairs of chinos to be laundered. (I also washed and lemon-rinsed his way.) And the three of us straightened out, as best we could, his procedure for applications for transfer. We spent a lot of time going over the catalogues and requirements for transfer, etc. Michigan and U VA have to be filed by March 1, so he's doing those now. If he decides on Penn or Yale, they can wait - Penn until July 1; Yale, May or June 1, I've forgotten which. He will probably not apply to Yale because his average will not be high enough. He said
hif he had a 3.5 he would probably be considered, and with a 4, he would have a good chance, but he's sure with anything less, he would just be wasting the money. The reason he was so dissatisfied with his grades is that all of the schools want a B average for transfer candidates - you know that from your own experience. And he's far from that, especially with just one semester under his belt. (Bobby Rubin had made Dean's List at Syracuse her first semester which was a great help in getting into Skidmore.) The interviewing officer at Michigan told him most of their transfers come in with a 2.9 - but he suggested Larry apply anyway. Obviously, that is the average of them all - some are undoubtedly higher and perhaps a few are lower. He had been thinking of reapplying to Brown, but one of their requirements is to retake the SAT, and it's just too complicated, and he says he really isn't that eager to go there any way - not enough to retake the Boards. He probably couldn't make the March exams; deadline date was early February, and the exam will be given March 6. The next exam is May 1. So his reaction was that he wouldn't bother. Perhaps he will change his mind later. But Brown no longer intrigues him as it once did.Possibly Lar
ywill visit U Va during his spring vacation. Daddy offered to drive down with him; that would work out well for you to go, too, and you might get to stop off in Washington for a brief visit if you didn't want to go all the way to Charlottesville with the men! Wouldn't that make a pleasant first week of your spring vacation?By the way, Sandy and Stan Cohen were at the Vinicks last night, and Sandy said several times how much she would love to have you stop over when you're home next. She thinks you're such a charming girl, and she got such a charge out of your enthusiasm. She really meant that she would like to have you call her and visit. She is a lovely person - so warm and wholesome and sincere. Everyone likes her so much.
The party last night was more a small cocktail party, without the cocktails. But there were so many people there - it was a good opportunity to visit. I had had an idea it would be a fun-and-games Valentine party, but there were too many of us for that. Some of those who were there were the Schechters, the Jack Mindells, the Al Shapiros, the Kestenbaums, the Jason (Alice) Teppers, the Seymour Horowitzs, the Lights, the Glucks, the Stan Cohens, the Marven Buffs
s, some new people you don't know, and some others I'm sure I've forgotten to include. Raquel and Ted are most gracious, and the food was scrumptious. So it was pleasant. So many people asked about you and Larry.Yesterday afternoon Larry and I went downtown to see if those stores would have anything left in the line of a car-coat for him, something to replace the black one. We checked Nusbaum's, Myers, and Donohue's, but there was nothing left. He also looked for desert boots, but couldn't get his size in the color he wanted. So we decided to consider again a coat we had seen in Dall's Friday night; I had wanted Daddy to see it before we bought it. We stopped at Grandma's on the way home, so Lar could say hello. Fortunately, the Feigenheimers
,(Joel and Stephen),were there, and Aunt Harriet and Uncle Max came in, too, so he saw all of them. Michael was on a camping trip with the Scouts. The boysewere going to see Marry Poppins at the 4:45 show. Then we met Daddy and bought the coat. I also got Larry the skin medicine he wanted at Kay's. Andbhome. In the morning I had gone to class, of course.Larry arrived Friday evening at about 5. He said he had a ride, but I can't help thinking he hitched. He said he called MPHS about 3:45 from the Thruway, but of course there was no one answering. He hadn't realized there was no school, and just assumed I wasn't home. As a matter of fact, I was out marketing, on the chance he might be coming in. We had called him Tuesday night to see how he was; I was concerned that he hadn't written since the phone call the Sunday night he was initiated. He had sounded so tired then that I had convinced myself he must be ill. Anyway, he wasn't. Just terribly busy. And he said if he could get a ride, he might come in because he wanted our advice on the transfer deal. If he came, he would be here - otherwise, not. And so that's the way it was left. He wasn't going to let us know any more definitely than that because it would have meant another phone call, and much depended on the weather on Friday so far as the ride went. Naturally, I was happy to see him. Daddy had taken off Friday and had gone to Johnstown, dropping Pop off in Amsterdam. So I was supposed to have the evening free, with no cooking, but I didn't mind making dinner for your brother. After dinner we went to Dall's, since the
reir big final clearance sale had been advertised in Friday's paper, and I encouraged Larry to go down. That's when we saw the coat. He also bought a beautiful mohair sweater - reduced to $10 from $20, and three $2.50 ties for $4. The coat is a green loden, with very nice detailing; it turned out on Saturday it was reduced from $45 to $23. We had thought it was $35, which is why I wanted Daddy to see it. If I had known Friday it was only $23, I would have probably bought it on the spot, fearing someone else might get it. But we were lucky, and I'm sure Larry will enjoy wearing it. It really looks very nice, and even Poppa says it's very good quality and well worth the price we paid. It's an imported coat.Daddy had the new rug installed in the back and the hub cap replaced, so the car is all set now. He also listed the 178 house with an additional agent who seems like a real live wire, so we'll hope we'll get some action on it. Pop thoroughly enjoyed his day at the store. I think I told you Uncle Raymond called Friday night about 9:15 and Pop spoke to him. R & R are having a wonderful time, have been with A & B every day, and had the use of the Bergs' rented car all week, so they were busy and loving it. Aunt Rosella took our Thanksgiving picture set of the baby with her; hers are all in her book. She promised to have new ones made for me; I can imagine what those will look like with all the handling they will get.
I had a lovely day Friday, really. I ironed all morning, and had a touch up at the beauty parlor at 12:30. Then I came home, took Rose to the bus, marketed, and by the time I got everything put away, Larry was here. Quick day!
I stopped in at Martha's Tuesday after school to leave the bassinet - finally. Aunt Rosella had asked me to buy Martha a gift, so on Monday I bought her one of those scarves - a new spring shade of very lovely pink. She was delighted. We were both wondering if you and Chris had actually seen each other that afternoon in NYC, and I forgot to ask you again today. Grandma Fairley has been ill and in Samaritan Hospital, but she will probably be discharged tomorrow, Martha thought.
Thursday was the only day last week that I had come home right after school, getting in about 4. Pop couldn't get over how "early" it was. I had errands to do every other day of the week, not getting in until 5.
I'm sorry if you were disappointed not to be home this week-end with Lar, but to be quite truthful, I'm just as well pleased. I like to spread out my pleasures, and being able to look forward to your coming in two weeks is very nice, really. We might have been a little inconvenienced for room, too, what with Grandpa in Larry's room. He used yours. I'm sure you didn't mind. We didn't know he was coming anyway, so there was nothing intentional about it, but since it worked out as it did, I'm sure looking forward to having you here later on. I know you would have loved to see Lar, and vice versa, but you two will have each other by yourselves in March. So it all evens out.
Switching to swimming instead of sk
kiing seems like a very good idea; it will be a miracle if the next few weeks are good skiing weather. I'm sending the skiing clipping anyway; I know you like the information. [no longer with the letter]I had an enjoyable week, reading An American Tragedy, not yet completed. In spite of the clumsy and corny writing, Dreiser has a most absorbing style and story, even though I know the story, and I'm glad I finally got to read it.
Ernie called today to tell us that Jeff has been accepted at Buffalo State, and they are so happy for him. He's been in Montreal this week-end on the trip, so he doesn't even know yet. They were frantically investigating other schools, as I think I write you last Sunday. So they are so relieved. Also, this is $800 less per year than RIT or the other schools they were checking into. Big help.
I think this is the most important of a really uneventful week, except for the week-end and "putseleh." Oh, my goodness, my Valentine gave me a beautiful box of Barton's. How could I forget that! It's so pretty and so delicious.
Love and kisses,
Mommy [Eleanor F. Friedman]Grandma and Max are much better. Grandma played bridge Thursday. Her flat is almost all painted now.