Quality Clothing for MenFeaturing
Ray's Ten Pay Plan
Ten Weeks to Pay85 East Main Street
Amsterdam, New YorkFriday P. M. Feb 12
Dear Sioux Sue,
Grandpa and I are in Amsterdam today. We left Sch'dy after 9 and I left Grandpa in the store. I went to Johnstown where Rose Buick put a new carpet on the floor of the rear. It is nice and smooth now. It took one man over an hour to do the job. I also got the new hubcap for the left rear wheel. I came back to Amst. about 12:30 and I went out and brought back hot pastrami sandwiches for Grandpa and Frank (and me too).
It has been raining all day, but has stopped now. The temperature is up.
Mom and I went to Troy to visit Aunt Daullie Mon. night. Wed. I had Kiwanis and bowling. I had gone to work by 7 Wed. morning and by the time I was bowling I was tired. So I didn't do very well - only 445.
Thurs. I went to work at 7. I accumulated 4 hours compensatory leave, which I'm taking today, plus 4 hours annual leave. If and when I involuntar
yily retire from US service, I'll only get paid for the annual leave accumulated prior to Jan 1. Any leave I get this year I must use or else lose. I also have over 1050 hours sick leave which I'll lose. So when the weather gets better, I'll have to do a lot of staying away from work. Right now the VA is not to do anything about closing until May 1. So I guess Congress will conduct hearings, and after that, the VA will go about doing the consolidating of Regional Offices as planned. I can't really do anyhting [sic] about another position until I know exactly when I'll be able to retire. I figure that they'll start giving out the notices of transfer to NY some time after May 1. If I refuse to go to NYCity, I'll get a 30 (or possibly 60 or 90 day) notice. I can then retire. It might drag on to July 1.I'll have to let that position with the Dept of Insurance go, as they can't keep it open that long. Maybe it will be for the best, since it isn't the best paying job. Something else must turn up.
[Envelope with "Sioux Sue" written on the face side]The enclosed check is your allowance. [no longer inside the envelope]
Tomorrow - Sat - I'll be working all dayat [sic] VA (overtime pay). We need it.
Grandpa and I will stay in Amst until after supper, and then go home. I want to give Mommy a day off from preparing meals, since she is reading "American Tragedy" for her course and it has taken all week - (long book)
I don't think I'll get home in time for Temple.
Not having heard from Larry in over 10 days, we phoned him the other night. He is O.K. He might possibly come home today, if he can get a ride. He figures he'll not have any free week-ends in the near future, so this one may be the one to get home. I won't know if he
gets hereis coming until tonight and see if he is there.Sat. night we are invited to Raquel and Ted Vinick's house.
Grandpa was all upset Mon when we heard on the radio of the plane crash in NY. When we got back from Troy we phoned Hoolywood [sic], Fla. and spoke with R and R. Grandpa talked with them too and then after I gave him a shot of whiskey he felt better. They had left NY about 4 P.M. on Northeast Lines.
That's all for now.
Daddy [Arnold J. Friedman]