A Letter Written on Mar 7, 1965

Sunday evening March 7.

Dear Sioux Sue and Larry,

We just had a phone call from Reva. They arrived back from their trip to Rochester about 5 P.M. Reva said she saw Larry froma [sic] distance at the basketball game, in which Roch beat Colgate by 2 points, but she had been unable to see Larry otherwise. Dave and Alan got the empty suitcases Lar wanted returned. Dave will bring them to his office Tues and Mom will get them after work.

Friday evening Mom stayed home and I asked Jay Schechter to go with me to the E club to see the Friday night golf film. We got to the Club and this was the first time the distributor had disappointed the club. There was no film! So we came home. The one Friday in 2 years that I decide to go to the club for the golf movies.

Saturday I was home all day, working on various applications, etc. Mom did some shopping marketing in the afternoon. Sat. night we went with the Rubins to the State and saw "How to Murder Your Wife." It was very funny and enjoyable. We came back to our house after the movie for cake and coffee. The Rubins went home at 1:45. We didn't realize it was so late.

This morning I washed both cars, attaching the hose to theLaundry [sic] tub water, so that I had hot water in the hose. I took the Ford over to the station to have the oil changed.

The Friedmans were here from for dinner at about 2:20, altho they had been scheduled to be here at 1. Mom made a meat loaf dinner. Stephen and Ragna and the baby are fine. The baby is quite a boy. We put him on our bed while we ate and there wasn't much more than a little talking to himself coming from the bed room. He never cried. He still has his chubby cheeks. Stephen and Ragna and Michael left about 4 for Cold Spring Harbor. Ray, Rosella and Grandpa stayed until 6:30.

We have been having difficulties with the downstairs toilet overflowing. I'll call Rotterdam Septic Tank tomorrow. It has been 3 years since it was last cleaned out, and we think the cause of the trouble is that it needs cleaning again. We hope that will correct it.

Our schedule this week doesn't have anything unusual. Next Saturday morning at her Albany class Mom has to give a 15 minute oral report on H. L. Mencken and the American Mercury. Yesterday she stopped at the library and found a book which covers the subject very well. As long as she gets a little time to prepare it this week, she shouldn't have much difficulty with it, I'll give Mom an A before she starts. How about you?

Today I wrote letters to President Johnson and Senator Javits protesting the VA Regional office closings, and urging Javits to push his bill to give full retirement to all 20 year employees whose installations are being eliminated or consolidated. That would eliminate the age lose [sic] I'd take on my retirement.

I spent a lot of time making a resumé of myself for the position of District Secretary of Kiwanis. Sam Coppola is chairman of the committee to replace the retiring Ted Rand. Sam told me Wednesday that there are 7 applicants already, some of whom could take the job of training without pay for a year. Rand will retire in 1966. So, altho I'm sending in an application, I'm not very hopeful.

Hope everything is well with my children. Love from Mom and
Daddy [Arnold J. Friedman]