So. Hadley. June, 29, 1850.Brother & sister;
I write you in haste this morning. Perhaps I mentioned in my last that the subject of going to Norton to become the Principal of the Wheaton Sem. had been presented to my mind. I did not think much about it. Since that it has again been presented, and yesterday one of the trustees from Norton came on to see me and consult with me about going. I was not prepared to give him an answer then, and he wished me to write next week as early as possible and inform whether I would be willing to be a candidate or not. I did not wish to decide without consulting you. The salary here is just about the same as in Lowell. He said if I went, they would allow me to select my own assistants. He says I need not teach any more than I wish. I should have the government of the school devolving upon me. The young ladies are daughters of wealthy families, and the school is a very fashionable one. They employ all colored servants in the boarding house. I am to write him the middle of next week, and then the Trustees will act and let me know their decision in a few days. I should then be obliged to withdraw my application from Lowell. I should consider the situation in Norton more desirable than the one in Lowell. They both commence at the same time. You will get this Monday, and will you send out a letter in Tuesday morning's mail, so that I may get it Wednesday? and tell me what you think. Please not say anything to any one in Lawrence about this, as Mrs. Ambrose & Miss Foster are acquainted in Northon, and if I should not get the school I should prefer not to let them know about it. There is this advantage about it, if I tell them I will go to Norton, it will be decided in the course of a week, whereas in Lowell I do not expect to know for somtime to come.
Write me all the family news. When does Mary go to the country? My health is pretty good. We have had a little rebellion in school and expelled ten from the Seminary. Caroline Livingston came very near it, and I am afraid now that she will lose her Diploma. I cannot write more lest this should be too late for the mail.
Your sister ever
[Caroline Cutler Metcalf became the principal of Wheaton in 1850. Hannah Gilman took a position as a teacher at Wheaton.]