A Letter Written on Oct 25, 1920

Dr. Joel E. Goldthwait
Dr. Robert B. Osgood
Dr. Lloyd T. Brown
Dr. Loring T. Swaim
Dr. Philip D. Wilson
372 Marlborough St.

October 25, 1920.

My dear Miss Turner,-

Your note has just come, and it is most kind of you and Miss Randolph to invite me to dinner as you have for Thursday evening, but I regret that the work at Smith will note make it possible for me to leave in time to be present with you at any hour that would be fair in connection with the lecture that is to come later at the College.

Possibly some other time it would be possible to accept such an offer, which would naturally be very much enjoyed by me.

Very truly yours,
Joel E. Goldthwait

Prof. Abbie H. Turner,
South Hadley, Mass.