A Letter written on May 14, 1885

Carl C. Gulliver
455 Chase Avenue
Waterbury 14, Conn.

Sat. Aug. 6, '55

Dear Harold and Augusta,

You have our sincerest sympathy. We hope that everything is progressing smoothly after the hernia operation. Such things seem to be a necessary evil that can not be foreseen nor avoided in many instances.

If your weather is of the hot humid variety we have been experiencing for the last five or six weeks that would make a stay in the hospital so much more irksome. Is there anything we could send to help ease the general situation? When it is all over you are thankful for good hospitals, Drs. and nurses. They perform a fine service.

Is Harold Jr. on the same job he had last year?

What are Bill's summer activities?

We are planning to drive to California next year when I have to retire (if we can swing the purchase of a new car.) Alfred & his family were here for a week the end of June. He has a new Chevrolet station wagon and suggested we buy it from him (if we wanted it next year). We want to see the various relatives in Cal. and do some sight seeing before deciding whether we want to go to Cal. permanently to live. It is quite a jaunt and quite a decision on a reduced income.

A lovely rain last night has helped the heat.

Our love to you all,
Mary and Carl

[There's an interesting story behind the acquisition of this letter. I got email from a woman in Georgia, who found the letter lying in her back yard, with no damage. She put the names into Google and found my website. She wrote to me, asked me if I wanted it, and mailed it to me. I grew up just a few miles from this location in Waterbury, so the letter took quite a long journey to end back up with someone from the old home town!]