Holyoke, Mass.
231 Cabot Street
Telephone 1900
William Churchill Hammond
Organist and Choir Master
Second Congregational Church
Skinner Memorial Chapel
Director of Music
Mount Holyoke CollegeOctober 9, 1928.
My dear Miss Turner:
I am celebrating Mountain Day by catching up with my correspondence, which has been sadly neglected with the opening whirl of the commencement of the College. Thank you very much for the Schubert coin which I found in my office a few days ago. I am delighted with it and you were kind to think of me. I shall show it to my classes and to the Club here when I have to give a paper on Schubert, in January.
We are working on our Christmas carols and I hope you can be as enthusiastic over this coming program as you have been over all our previous ones. The Glee Club and I personally feel that we have a very devoted and inspiring friend in you.
Hoping you have enjoyed the Mountain Day and with every good wish,
Cordially yours,
WC Hammond