A Letter Written May 26, 1849

[Paragraph breaks and punctuation added for ease of reading.]

Greenwich May 26th 1849

Dear sister

I have haunted the Post-Office this week continually in hopes of hearing from you but all in vain[.] I did think that you would write to me when you got to Castleton knowing that I would like to hear from you & the Sem[.] I thought you and Jenny would together write me a long letter but I have thought wrong[.] But perhaps you have been very busy or something else has hindered you & I will excuse you this time[.]

I am very anxious to hear how you get along in your studies & music[.] It seems strange enough to have you away from me at school. I am well & doing well in school have six schollars [sic] in music[.] I wish you could be here to school with me & I shall so work that you will be next term[.] There are some Misses that you would like very much Jenny Mowry [?] & Mary Gibbs I think you would like very much indeed[.]

I have thought of you a great deal lately & last night I had a horrible dream about you[.] I thought you & Miss Hayden were as hostile as ever & all I could do I could not reconcile you[.] I [...] that Miss Hayden was willing but you were not. How is it Hattie? Do you not agree better than last summer I hope so certainly I hope that you will obey her in every thing & strive to gain her good will[.] I hope too that you will not be as intimate with Isabel Parker or any other wild girl but that you will steady studious [sic] & choose such for your associates[.] Go to Jenny for counsel & do as she advises you[.] Tell me when you write & you must write on the arrival of this[.]

What Latin you are reading & what pieces taken & what drawing & everything. I am going to Troy to-day & will get you some music & send it out by the stage& if you do not get it soon inquire for it at the mansion house[.] If you would to get something good to eat see Lucia Turner[.] I will tell you where to find her[.] Go down by Doct Perkins & you will see a lane running back behind his house she lives up that lane in a wood colored house[.] You can get some pickles &c if you visit her she will be glad to see you.

Has there been a revival of religion in the Seminary & if so who are the converts[?] The father of the Misses Damon died with only a few days notice last week[.] I have called on them once his death they are very lonely & poor. He was a professed infidel & his lot will be hard but no harder than ours unless we repent & forsake our sins & by the grace of God live a holy life although we are not professed infidels[.]

I saw Sarah Rice a short time ago she sends her love to all in Castleton. How do you like Miss Jefferries [sic] as a music teacher & how is she liked in the Seminary[?] I wish Mr. Hallock would give me that situation. Is Miss Rich back this term & how do you like her. Give my respects to Miss Hayden & all friends in Castleton. How do you live &c[.] I want to know about all such things[.]

I cant [sic] write much as I am in a hurry[.] Write me soon give this to Jenny be a good girl strive to gain the esteem all by acts of kindness[.] I think more of you than you are aware of[.] If you were only pious & placed your trust in God I should feel greatly relieved but I know that you are young & naturally lively & I am afraid you will go to for Young Misses are apt to get the idea that if they can train &c that they are doing well I hope it is not so with you[.] If you would do well Hattie you must be sensible in in [sic] conversation not boisterous in your [...] & respectful to your superiors & kind to your inferiors. I hope you will be studious & a good girl every way[.] But above all if you have not I hope you will give yourself to your God & be a true Christian the rest of your days. I pray for you often & hope you will for me.

From your affct brother

Deodatus D. Haskell

PSS That Music will come out Tuesday I think[.]