306 West Grand St.
Oct. 30 - 1881Dear Mother.
Received a postal a day or two ago speaking about the book I asked for - unless you can find Borel's you need not trouble to send any as it is not absolutely necessary. Have you looked in my clothe's [sic] press, among the books there? Perhaps I have lost it. If you have not sent the Latin Grammar don't mind about it, as I am using the Introductory book now and shall not need that for some time.
We were very much disappointed yesterday in not going to New York - we had made all arrangements to do so, but it was such a dark rainy day, and my cold not quite well so we gave it up. We were to meet Charlie S. in the Jersey City depot, so we would not be obliged to go round N.Y. by ourselves.
Friday Mrs Moore and Auntie went over and did some shopping. Mrs M bought me two pair of merino drawers, & a large black beaver hat. I am going to get a long feather for it when I go over, which I suppose will be next Saturday, if it is still convenient for Mrs Stetson to have us. Ida & Minnie and I have hats alike though theirs are trimmed with heavy silk.
My brown dress pulled a little on the middle back seam and I asked Mrs Moore to fix it for me. She said that if the lining had been cut the other way of the goods it would not have pulled so.
Last night we had a candy pull as a kind of solace for our disappointment. The result was some very nice candy though not as white as we wanted.
To-day is very warm. Have on my grenadine and needed no wrap when I went to church. Ida, Minnie and I went to the Westminster church with Miss Murphey, as we wanted to go together. I & M said they didn't want to go [to] the Episcopal church without some grown person, and as George expected to stay to S.S. we didn't want to go with him.
Mrs Muldaur has been in bed since Friday evening. She is not suffering as much as she was a week ago but is still quite sick. The Dr. says she must stay in bed to-morrow and perhaps longer. Says it will be very risky for her to think of getting up till he tells her to. She doesn't like it at all, but feels as though she must obey the Dr.
My cold is very much better. I expect to be able to say it is all gone in a day or two. My head was very much stopped up Thursday but I seldom have to use the handkerchief now.
The school goes on nicely. Have had several new scholars. I believe the school numbers thirty now.
It is time for the mail to go and as there is nothing more that I think of, will stop. Dudie, I believe will have a long doc.
Good bye - Love to each one
Your daughter