A Letter Written on Dec 11, 1881

306 West Grand St.
Elizabeth, N.J.
Dec, 11 - '81

Dear Mother -

I was quite surprised, and somewhat disappointed that no letter came for me yesterday. I don't believe I have heard from you for a week, thought you would certainly write Friday. Well I suppose Mrs Moore has told you all there is to be told about us, so you are satisfied as to my health. Am still taking a tonic.

Yesterday Harry, and Andrew Lamb were here till after lunch. We had quite a lively time in the school room playing school. Harry left about quarter of four for New York, he spent last night with Mrs Louise Olcott, and leaves to-night for Washington. George Olcott is going home with him to stay till after the holidays. Perhaps he will come back when we do. Harry, said something about a young married couple being at our house for dinner the other day. Who were they?

Yesterday afternoon we girls whent to the foot-ball match at George's school. It was extremely cold, and consequently it was hard work for the boys. The other side made a goal unfairly and the Pingry boys were much disgusted. I suppose it was the last game of the season.

We went to Trinity (Episcopal) church this morning. Ida & Minnie wanted to go, but didn't want to go by themselves, so I went with them. Miss Murphey did not go out. This afternoon I, M & myself are going to the Mission S.S. I am going to take Miss Murphey's class as she is not very well, and it is best for her to keep still. Mrs M- will probably tell you about her. She seems in better spirits than she did a few days ago. I don't know that she suffers much pain - she complains of none.

We are all in a pickle as to Christmas presents. We think of going of over to New York, next Saturday to see the pretty things and buy a few, as we will have so little time after we get home.

Please ask Charlie if he received a letter from me about at a week and a half ago, and if so for him please to answer it. I wonder if Mrs Moore is with you to-day. It seems very queer not to have her about. We miss Mrs Moore and Mrs Muldaur very much. I suppose Mrs Muldaur is getting along nicely as we have heard nothing to the contrary.

Received Mrs M's telegraphs, so glad to hear that she had reached home with out accident. We hated to have her go alone, especially as she did not even have Fann to keep her company.

I believe I wrote you that I was having a pair of shoes made to order. I got them yesterday. They feel very comfortable, and fit much better than any thing I tried on in the store before. We expect Harry to spend the evening with us. Write soon, and give me all the suggestions you can about Christmas presents.

With lots of love to each and all,

Ever Your Aff. daughter