A Letter Written on Oct 26, 1881

306 West Grand Street,
Oct. 26 - 1881

Dear Mother -

Your letter came this morning and was very welcome. Am feeling much better to-day, hope to be quite my self in a day or two. The chief trouble to day is weakness caused by the action of some mandrake pills I took last night. The Dr. said there was something hard in my bowels that must be removed and as Citrate of Magnesia and warm water interjections seemed to have little or no effect, he prescribe[d] the pills they seem to have done things up pretty effectually. Am taking pepsin three times a day.

Tell Dudie I d meant to send this to her but as you would not be able to read it till she came from school have changed the envelope. Will write next Sunday, even though I [will] be in N.Y.

Mrs Muldaur is out for a short ride with a friend. Has been in school all day. I was Was sorry to hear of so many sad events. Am glad Dudie is able to be at school, hope she will be stronger as the weather grows colder.

To-day has been a perfect autumn day. I believe Mrs Moore wrote Dudie full particulars of my illness. It was very, very much like the one I had at home. You remember that I told you then I was very constipated for a few days after the attack but Dr. R. never asked about it so I didn't say anything. The Dr. here expected such would be [the] case and said it must be prevented, hence the Magnesia, warm water and pills.

George wants to take this to the P.O, and as I want you to get it to-morrow will stop short.

With lots of love
Your daughter