A Letter Written on Feb 12, 1882

306 West Grand St.
Elizabeth, N.J.
Feb. 12 - 1882

My dear Mother -

I have just come from church and as there is about an hour before dinner I am going to improve it by writing to you. I am sitting in my own room. The air is beautiful to-day, and if it were not for the muddy snow one sees everywhere one could easily imagine it was May, it is so warm.

I went to Westminster to Church and Dr. Cissel kindly invited me to sit in his pew, not only this once but any time I choose. I did not feel quite so much a stranger as I have heretofore. I believe I wrote you that Dr. Cissel and the new minister Dr. Galespy (I don't know that that is spelled correctly) called on Miss Murphey & myself, one afternoon a week or two ago, but I was out at the time.

To-morrow is Papa's birthday. I wrote Jennie a postal to Jennie [sic] Thursday about getting the Dictionary she spoke of, but fear she did not receive it, as she did not mention the fact in the short document she wrote Friday. I will try to write to him to-day so he will get it to-morrow.

Yesterday was delightful, and seemed quite strange to have the girls at home they have been away so many Saturdays, yet I don't think I saw them more than two hours except at meal time. I spent most of the day in mending. The day however proved too short for all that I planned. The satin came two or three days ago and I meant to have fixed the dress, but was disappointed. I received the class letter yesterday afternoon, and expect to enjoy reading it this afternoon. Three of the girls did not write, so it doesn't seem quite complete. If you and Jennie would like to see it I will send it to you.

This week has been quite a quiet one. One night we went to a small entertainment and Friday several boys were up. Charlie gave Ida & Minnie the right to order candy from Hope's any time they chose. They sent for some the other day, but it hasn't come yet, we expect it to-morrow. We are to have turkey for dinner and Charlotte rouche for dessert so it will seem quite Sunday like.

Love to each and all. Write soon.

Your Aff. daughter