306 West Grand St.
Elizabeth N.J.
Dec. 18 - 1881Dear Mother,
Your letter enclosing one from Aunt Selina was received yesterday morning. Minnie & I waited for the mail, and the others left in an earlier train for N.Y. Miss Murphey was obliged to get some money from Mrs Muldaur, so she, Ida & George went up to the Florence, and attended to that matter. Minnie & I left on the ten train, road [sic] on the "L" road to Macy's then got out and walked up 14th Street to a store where we had agreed to wait for the others. We waited about twenty minutes, then we four girls started off shopping. The first place we went to was a book establishment. I bought Eight Cousins for Nellie, Owen Meredith for Margie, helped get a gook for little Harry and some Christmas cards.
Yesterday was Mrs Muldaurs [sic] birthday so we put together and got her a very handsome card. On looking at the clock we found it was lunch time. Mrs. Mather had very kindly invited us all to lunch with her, so after meeting George & Carleton Mather we went up to the Florence. Mrs Muldaur was very glad to see us, but did not seem especially encouraged about herself. She expects to come home next Thursday so as to be here closing day. I am a little afraid of an undertaking for her.
We had a delightful lunch, and after setting some accounts with Mrs Muldaur we started out shopping again. We went to Caswell & Hazard's where I bought some cologne for Papa, then on to Sloane's where I bought something to paint for Jennie & some small paper for Babes. We bought a very pretty card for Ella Stetson at the book store.
Then we went on down town and Ida & I went to Macy's & the other two went down B'dway for a while. We waited at Macy's for the others but did not go in. Miss Murphey & Minnie went in when they came. As Miss M. could get my things just as well as not, I did not think it necessary that we should all go into the crowd. I got Ida & Minnie each a cup and saucer, one is green, and the other lavender. I think they will like them. I did not get any thing for the boys. I thought of slippers for Will & Henry [Alice's brothers]. If you think best please send their measures. I can get very nice ones here for $1.50. If not tell me something else to get.
Mrs Muldaur told us yesterday that we could have two weeks Christmas. We all think and talk of little but going home. This morning we rose so late, and breakfast consequently was so late that only I went to church, as I was all dressed for church when I came down to breakfast. Ida & Miss M. have gone to S.S. George & Minx are reading. We are all well, seem better than we have the past week.
To-day is perfectly beautiful, just like spring. It has been quite cold.
We will come on the four o'clk train next Friday reaching W. at 10.10 P.M. It is the pleasantest train on the road. We will go to Newark to take it as it does not stop here.
Dont [sic] worry if you dont hear from me before Friday as I shall be very busy.
With lots of love
Your Aff. daughter