306 West Grand St.
Elizabeth, N.J.
Jan. 21 - 1882My dear Mother,
Jennie's received this morning. Was glad to hear that Will and Papa were both improving.
The other day we girls and Geo received an invitation to a sociable next Friday night. Of course there will be dancing, and some will probably wear thin dresses and some thick. If you would rather I should wear my white you can send the dress, my satin basque and white stockings and slippers. I don't care particularly about going and will feel considerably less so if Ida & Minx do not go and it is a little doubtful about them. I think my green grenadine will look nicely and be appropriate and all I need is some fresh lace for the neck and sleeves, say 2 yds. three inches wide. Another thing that will be rather disagreeable is that our left arms will be beautifully sore and swollen, mine has been itching terribly to day, and the only comfort is that the sooner it begins the sooner it will get well.
We went out coasting the other night and it reminded me of the fact that I have some blue flannel drawers at home, which will come in very nicely if we have any skating or coasting this winter. So please send them when you send the others. Also please send the plum satin left from my dress as the binding around the hand is worn out.
Charlie M- was over Thursday evening and also last evening. Mrs White arrived last night. Ida, Minnie & I went down to the depot to meet her, but she came up in a carriage before we got there, so we had our walk for nothing. She is very pleasant company, bright and cheerful. She isn't quite as pretty as I expected. She seemed to take quite a fancy to me, and asked me to be sure to come on to Providence with I & M, if they should come. All the week we planned to spend today in N.Y. Ida, Minnie & Mrs W- to do shopping and I to
osee Evie Metcalf. The other night Charlie asked the girls to go with him to the theatre, and when Mrs W- came he had to ask her too.This morning it was raining when we got up, so I decided that I wouldn't go. The others went and I suppose had lots of fun. They expect see to [sic] Mary Anderson as Juliet in Romeo & Juliet. I commenced to read the play yesterday and finished it to-day. I like it pretty well but there don't seem to be as much to it as to Macbeth, Othello or Hamlet. The day has been a very rainy, disagreeable one and I do not in the least regret my decision. I think now that I shall wait a week or two and then go, staying all night Friday with an old roommate, in Newark & leaving about nine Sat. morning for N.Y. and spend the day with Ev-.
This afternoon I received a letter from Clara Clark saying that she had returned from her trip West and would stop here to see me if convenient, so I am looking forward to seeing her the latter part of next week, so I guess I wont [sic] go to Chatham Village. Auntie and I are all that are down stairs of our large family - Mrs Muldaur has retired, and George & Miss Murphey have not yet returned from the choir meeting. I wrote you that Miss M- was singing in St. John's choir, didn't I? Jennie writes that you are not well. I hoped that you were going to get stronger after the worry of the holidays was over.
I did not hear from Margie to day, and hardly know what to make of it. I told you she was going to teach awhile. Perhaps she will write to morrow. Miss M. and George have just come in and say that the stars are shining. I am glad to hear it, it will be so much pleasanter for the girls.
We are all well and happy. Mrs M-'s cold is better.
Write soon. Love to all
Your daughter
AliceJan. 22 - '82
The girls had a gay time yesterday, and expect some more this week. It is bright, cold & very windy. Went to hear the new minister this morning, and like him very much. He is to be installed next Thursday.
Tell Nell & Babes I am waiting to hear from them.
With love,