"The Finest Cultivated View in New England."
2 1-2 Miles from Mount Tom Station on Conn. R. R. R. 3 Miles
from Northampton, 3 Miles from Hadley on Central Mass. R. R.
Connected by Telegraph and Telephone, Via. Holyoke.
P.O. Address, J. W. French, Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Mass.Mountain Day.
Oct 11th 1888.Dear Jennie,
You see from the heading where I am. This morning about 10.15 Missess Strickling, Morse, Livermore and I started out for "Holyoke." The climb was rather steep in one or two places otherwise extremely easy. There are quite a number of Smithites here.
Upon our arrival Miss L. ordered an oyster stew for each of us which she insisted upon paying for. It was nice and hot. We then sat at the table and ate the lunch we had brought with us.
The view is grand. There are telescopes here with which we can see Mrs Strickling's the college & other buildings. We also told the time by the college clock and by the clocks on the church towers. If there had been anyone in the window at Round Hill we could have
toldrecognized them.We came up the last part of the mountain in the cable car. It was terribly steep. We may go down another way.
I have on my "tam." We all carry canes.
Nellie.[Jennie's sister Ellen Hedrick was at Smith College, class of 1892.]