A Letter Written on Sep 6, 1887

Mount Holyoke Seminary

South Hadley, Mass., Sep. 6, 1887.

Dear Mrs. Herrick:-

We will give your daughter the place, made vacant by Miss Gage, provided she is ready for examinations. I fear she is deficient in Latin. She should have Harness's Reader, which amounts to 100 p.p. and five (5) books of Caesar. If she is fitted in the Latin, she may come at once. If not, if there are other questions you wish to ask, let us hear from you. We will reserve a place for your daughter the following year, if she desires it, and is not ready now.

The delay is cause by my not being here to reply at once. We shall reply to the letter of Mrs. Gage as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely, but hastily,
E. Blanchard,
by. H.

[Evidently, neither Miss Gage nor Miss Herrick ended up attending the Seminary; neither is listed in the directories around 1887.]