A Letter written on Apr 3, 1933

Mon. eve.

Dear Bette:

I[t] just don't seem possible that you went back to college today and I can't go to the telephone and call you up. I wish your vacation was just starting instead of being over. It seemed rather queer to go back to school today and go to class. I hope you had a good rest last night. Did you have a good trip up to college today? You will begin the old grind tomorrow morning. I just figured it up and if you get out of college the first week in June it will be about ten weeks before you come home. Those ten weeks will seem like ten years but we can't make time pass an[y] quicker. We will have to make up for it all when you come home and we will have some nice times. The weather will be better than it has been this last week. Nice warm summer days and evenings, starlight nights and oh. It makes me feel so lazy when I think of the dreamy summer days and nights. Summer-time is the time for me when everything is rosy and everybody is happy. You may think I am getting poetic or sentimental but when I think of summertime it makes you feel so good to think of the good times that you can have in the summer.

I was talking to Mr. Smith today and we are going to have a track meeting tomorrow afternoon and we are going to start our track practice right away. As soon as I learn the date of the Naugatuck track meet I will let you know. We want to beat them this year if it is possible and if everyone does his very best I think we can beat them.

I got a straight B for the month in Algebra. That's not so bad considering that I got a C in the test. I hope I will get a good mark in Physics. (Please excuse my bad handwriting.)

I will write you another letter later in the week and I hope it will be better than this one. I hope you got good marks in the tests that you had just before you came home. i have been thinking of you so much today that I just had to write you a letter tonight. I can't talk with you but I can write to you and I will always be thinking of you.

Yours affectionately,

P.S. I am signing my name Tommy so that you will know that you can call me Tommy and know that I don't mind in the least. Goodbye until I see you again.
