Tues. eve.Dear Bette:
I was very glad to get your letter today. Two weeks is a very long time but I will forgive you this time if you don't do it again. ha-ha.
How I wish this weather would clear up and keep clear for a while. We had track practice today in the gym. It was raining so we couldn't go outdoors. Mr. Smith made us do exercise's [sic] for 2 hours and then he told us to run around the gym 25 times. I worked up a good sweat and how I enjoyed the showers when we were through for the afternoon. Mr. Smith gave us our track suits yesterday (also our track shoes). I have the same pair of track shoes again this year as I had last year. If tomorrow is fine we are going dow to the park for practice. Lets [sic] hope it is fine.
Last Friday night Albert Nordquist and I went to the pictures by ourselves and we saw - Warren William in "The Mindreader", and George Obrien in "Smoke Lightning" - they were both pretty nice pictures and we enjoyed them very much. Aside from that I have been a good boy and I have gone to bed early, every night - {more hooey}. Last Saturday night I stayed up to Eddie's house and we arose at 5:30 Sunday morning and went to Sunrise service on hospital hill. We walked from his house up there and we were were [sic] the first ones to arrive there. The service was at 6:30. It was very interesting. The French misister [sic] was the speaker and he was very good. Then we came down to my house and ate breakfast.
I listened to Eddie Cantor Sunday night and it brought back to me the remembrance of the night you and I listened to him. I think he is getting kind of out of style now.
How happy I will be when school is over for the summer. Think of all the good times we can have. I will get the old car and we can go places. I hope the time will pass quickly till then.
I am enclosing a newspaper clipping [no longer with the letter] which I think will interest you. It concerns Mr. Radley's son Peter. It seems that he is a regular Don Juan or something like that. I always thought he was kind of queer and now I think my thoughts were not far off. You told me to write to you if I ever got time well I can always find time or else make it to write to you. I hope the writing etc. in my next letter will be a little better.
Most sincerly [sic]:
Tommy.P.S. Write soon as I [will] be waiting for your letter - Tom