A Letter written on May 23, 1934

Wed. eve.

Dearest Bette:

We arrived home safely Sun. eve. about 7:25. I went up to see your mother and take up your laundry that eve. after I had eaten a bit.

I can never thank you enough for the most enjoyable weekend of my life. I just had a wonderful time every minute I was with you. I think I shall remember that week-end for a good many years to come. I can't express my feelings in words.

It is just 1:30 A.M. at this point. We have just come back from Winsted where we put on our De Molay degrees for the Masons up there. I just had to write you because I know the sooner that I wrote to you the sooner I would get an answer.

Do I envy your being able to go canoeing anytime that you want to. How I wish I could enjoy it with you but I just can't. So I'll have to let it go at that. Tonight there was a nice moon shining. It would have been a wonderful night canoeing on a nice lake. I guess I'll just have to give up my dreaming about canoes for about three weeks or so. Then maybe we can find a place to go canoeing near here.

Who do you think was at our house tonight when Stanley and I arrived home? The Smith family and Eleanor has caught herself another addition to her collection. A fellow by the name of Boyd. I don't know much about him. But she seems to have him in full control. I wish you could have experienced the amusement that I did when I saw how the poor fellow has been captivated by her charm. {hooey} Some fellows are dumb and others are dumber but he will learn a lesson or two from her. Well so much for that.

The big thing is that in three short weeks or I mean long ones (until I see you) you will be home again where I hope that I shall be able to see you oftener than once in two months or did I say that seemed like years.

I am counting on your being at the graduation so try not to dissappoint [sic] me in that. Not that you have disappoined [sic] me in anything but I want to have you there to see me graduate above everything else. Maybe I am a bit selfish but I want you to be there just the same.

You have become quite skillful in some ways lately. I can't seem to say anything in writing that will express my feelings towards you now but I know now that I love you more than I have ever loved you. Please believe me.

Love as always,

P.S. Please write soon. I'll be waiting[.] Love Tom