A Letter written on Feb 26, 1937

Fri. eve.

Hello my darling:

I was very pleased to get your letter today. It seemed ages since I saw you last and it seemed longer since I have recieved [sic] a letter from you. Only one more week and I'll be able to bring you home with me. It will seem wonderful to me to be able to go to the phone and be able to talk with you dear. This is really terrible when I can only see you once a month. Unless I hear different from you I'll be up next Sat. afternoon or in I [sic] case I have to work I'll be up Sat night but if I should work I'll let you know so that you will know when to expect me. If you don't hear different I'll see you before five o'clock next Sat. I can hardly wait dear I have some very good news. We recieved [sic] a 5¢ an hour raise effective the 28th of Feb. This means that I'll get two dollars a week more. Doesn't this sound good to you? It certainly does to me. If I keep on getting raises it won't be long dear.

I didn't think about our calling on Adie when I wrote last. I don't know what to say about seeing her. It is not that I don't want to but it will make a long longer trip if we come home that way. Besides it will depend on my financial condition. You could tell her that we might call on her but not to depend on it if you want to. Then if we thought we could go and see her it would be alright.

Mrs. Warren wants me to be in a play for the Easter Union Service and I am going to see her about it tomorrow. I guess I'll take the part. I hope that you will come to see it dear.

Well I guess this will do for the moment. I'll write soon dear. Glad you are feeling fine. My cold seems to be nearly over. I love you darling and I miss you terribly.

Always yours dear

P.S. Write soon