A Letter written on Jul 18, 1846

[Almost no punctuation in the letter, though it's usually pretty clear where sentences begin and end. She didn't use apostrophes either.]

Hadley Sunday morn July 18th /46

Dear Lottie

I wonder if it is wicked to write letters Sunday? If it is I wonder how I can help writing to day for it rains and I cant go to church and it is certainly wrong to study so I think Ill write upon the whole and Lottie I will write just as good a letter as I can but shouldnt like to promise you that it will be extra for only yesterday afternoon I spent three long hours upon a composition and you must know that my Ideas must be somewhat exhausted[.]

In the first place I want to ask you about Maria Lyons leaving Haydenville will you please write and tell me all about it[.] You may wonder at my curiosity but I heard some strange reports about her and would like to ascertain the correctness of them. I arrived safely in good "old Hadley" the night I left you and obtained home at Dr. Stacys[.] I find them a very pleasant family[.] Miss Julia Stacy is about my age a very lovely and amiable girl. I would you could get acquainted with her[.] The Doct & Lady are very pleasant too[.]

How are you getting alone[?] Have the girls all got back? Oh! dear I should like to see them all Mary & Emily especially but dont you tell them I said so. I shant write to Emily nor send any word to her untill she writes to me[.]

I wonder if there will be as great an inquiry about Nathanl Miller to night as there was last Sunday night? Oh! dear I never expect to see anybody again only think of my being shut up in Mt Holyoke Seminary a whole year I think it is a great trial for a young child to endure[.]

Lottie if you show this letter I wont write again[.]

As for that Hetty Bagg I have seen nothing of the child neither have I heard from her[.] If I could have spent the time I should have gone over last night[.] I received a letter from Esther the other day but she didnt tell me any news[,] said there was a great deficiency in the supply of the article [.] I was alarmed at such a state of things for I think it a very singular and uncommon occurrence if Haydenville is destitute of news[.] I see through it however after due imagination, want I should tell you? (Yes) (Well) Bell Hyde is not there for people to talk about. Now am I not good at guessing[?]

Now Lottie I am sure you cant say I never write to you once all the time I was you but I am sadly afraid I shall have that complaint to make up for[.] I hope better things of you however and I advise you to answer this letter[.]

I hope Lottie that there will be a long calm there just for vanity when Annie Hayden comes home[.] You make Henry James come and bring you and Annie over here[.] Tell him I said he must kiss Eratus for me will you and give my love to Esther Lilistone tell her I shall expect another letter from her soon so I get it next Wednesday for after reading that composition I shall need some stimulant give my love to Hester and tell her she is bewitched after James Bodman[.] I know she is by her actions[.] Do excuse all these incoherent sentences I am not crazy if my letter does sound like a [mariner's? Mainer's?][.] You must remember that I have to apply my mind to study all the week once when I write a letter I cant study every expression for I want to write what comes into my mind first[.] Write soon and particularly to

Yours truly