Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Massachusetts
Department of Physiology
June 16. Leave New York,
S.S. United States, Scandinavian American Lines.June 25or 26.Oslo. About 8 hours. June 26or 27.Arrive Copenhagen.
Allow approximately 3 days for city
and 4 days for trips out. Helsingør with Fredericksborg and
That Danish farm!
A folk high school.Mail address,
Bennett's Tourist Bureau,
47 Raadhusplads.
Stay at either Tourist
Hotel or a Danish pen-
sion.July 5. To Berlin. Day trip, crossing by train
ferry to Warnomundo. Possible stop
at Rostock, old city.
3 days.
Go out to Potsdam.
Possibly go out to Jenna or Balle on the
day of leaving.Mail address, American
Express, 55 Charlotten-
strasse, W-8.
Stay perhaps at
Palast Hotel
Potsdamer Platz or
Hotel Excelsior (where
they steal from you.
Largest in Europe,
but convenient!July 89.To Leipsic. Possibly July 9.JenaJuly 10. To Dresden.
Hygienic InstituteStay perhaps at
Hotel Continental,
near R.R. station.
old-fashioned, good.July 13. To Prague. 4 days here, with perhaps trip
out to some country place.Stay at Hotel Beranek July 17.
July 18.To Linz. From there by boat down river
to Vienna.
Might take trip down to Bratoslava.
Music festival begins.Stay at Hotel Hammerand
Mail address, either p.o.
or hotel above, or
still Berlin Am. Ex.July 22. To Salzburg. 4 days in city and vicinity.
Salt mine. They have old carved things in 'em.
Up to Berchtesgaden, &c.Might stay at Hotel
Bristol, good.July 26. To Munich. 4 days, to include opening of
Wagner-Mozart festival.Stay at either
Rheinischer Hof, ne
R.R. station, or
Fraulein Hendrinch,
Rapsburger Platz,
(decayed gentlewo[...]July 28
July 31.To Obehammergau, Garmisch, Partenkirchen
2 day motor tripJuly 30 Aug. 21.Innsbruck Aug. 3. To GortinarMieders
Many trips possible, or lovely
just to sit around. Both hotels
have balconies and views. Mountains
as near as at Randolph or nearer.Stay at either Hotel Corona
or Villa Serena, both
highly recommended. Will
write both - have to reserve
Mail address,
Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy,
Poste Restante.Aug. 10.
Aug. 11
Aug. 12
Aug 13Leave for motor trip (maybe some rail
sections, if desirable) with Zer-
matt as objective.
Route. 1st day,Falzarege Pass
to BozenInnsbruck
2nd day, toMoranLandeck, and Trafoi Mauders
3rd day, Over Stelvio, to
4th day,To Chur
5th day,ToAndermattGletsch
6th day, to Zermatt.
(This might be changed in many ways!)
Probably plan ahead in Berlin or Munich
with some Swiss agent.Mail address,
American Express Co.
Zurich, Switzerland.Aug. 15. Reach Zermatt. 3 days
Go upGorner Grat.RiffelbergStay where? Should get this
beforehand.Aug 18 -19.To Geneva. Might go via Chamounix
or via Monteuxand Lake.Aug. 19.Reach GenevaStay at La Residence.
(Especially recommended by
several - will write be-
fore sailing.)Aug. 2 21.To Paris. 3 days for city. Out to
Chartres for Sunday, Aug. 26.
(Note. If we leave Geneva a day earlier,
we might get out to les Addelys for
a day on leaving Paris- very choice!)
From there to Beauvais by motor-Stay at Hotel Osborn, Rue
St. Roch. (Convenient an[d]
not expensive) or
Women's University Club
Quai Voltaire, said to b[e]
very interesting.Aug. 2 45BeauvaisCharteres, and on to Amiens for night.Mail, Amer. Exp. 11 Rue Scri[...]
Stay with the nice little
Sisters we did before!Aug. 28.26To Brussels
Late in day on to Bruges or GhentAug. 28 To Bregest Ghent. for day Aug. 29.To Brussels, late in day.Aug. 30.29To Antwerp, early enough to see cathedral
and to make sure all is ready to sail!Aug. 30 - Antwerp - Address, S.S. Lapland,
Red Star Line. &c.Aug. 31. Sail S.S. Lapland. Stop at Southampton Sept. 1. Stop at Cherbourg, no landing. Sept, 8 or9.New York