South Hadley, July 27, 1849Mr. Chapin,
I write to you supposing Mr. Merriam is yet absent, and I know of no other person who can supply my wants.
In a recent letter from home, I am told they have sent a letter to Mr. Charles Merriam requesting him to supply me with means for closing up accounts at the Seminary, but I have heard nothing from him. I wrote home immediately to inform them of Mr. M's sickness, absence, &c. and asking them to direct me to some other person. It will be almost impossible for me to receive an answer before the school closes, and I dare not run the risk of waiting longer, so I would like to obtain the money from you, and would return it immediately, should I receive it from another source - I have engaged myself as a teacher in an Academy in Connecticut for a year, and need at least ten dollars to complete my outfit - besides, I have small bills amounting to about twenty dollars which must be settled soon - and this sum (30 dollars) I must obtain immediately. I don't think my father intended I should draw money from your firm, and I would much rather take it from a private purse if I could, but I have no friends who can supply my wants. My brother-in-law will come east the last of September and will then settle my bills - but this 30 dollars which I now send for I very much wish to pay from my own purse. This I can do in November at the close of my first quarter.
Will you drop me a line by the return mail stating whether you can send me the required sum as soon as Monday or Tuesday (Unless I write you that I have rec'd it) - whether you are willing to take my note payable in November - also, are you willing I should get a very few books on my father's account, ie. on what I have already taken up.
Please answer immediately and oblige
Amelia D. Jones.