Letter Written on Apr 27, 1823

Monson April 27 1823

Dear Sister

I have received your letter dated March 15 but have since had one from E Smith which imformed me that Martha was sick and the Doctor through it doubtfull [sic] whether she is ever any better I have since heard that Jedediah was sick with a fever but did not know wheather [sic] he was dangerous or not[.] O Lydia I cannot paint out the anxiety of my mind since I heard they was [sic] sick but I have content [sic] my self with thinking every morning when I get up that I shall hear from you before night but one day pases [sic] after another and I cant hear nothing from you but I am now flattering my self they are better or you would send for me before this time but if their lives is [sic] not expected do send for me you must write as soon as you receive this I think if you knew how anxous [sic] I was you would not delay writing one hour after you receive this[.] Caroline is well and sends her Love this from your affectionate sister

Eunice Day

Mrs Ly[d]ia Judd