A Letter written in April 1841

West Springfield April 1841

Dear Uncle,

When you were down here I told you that there was some attention to religion here, the attention increased til it settled down into deep feeling - which has resulted in the conversion of nearly all the Females in the place. And I have to write you the good news, that Aleatha has found the savior prescious [sic] to her soul [sic] - it seems as if the Lord sent her here to get religion_

I will not attempt to tel[l] you with what mighty power the lord has been at work here - I can tel[l] you better wlen when I see you.

Mr. Perry says, he likes Aletha verry [sic] much. to work - that she does verry [sic] well_ I am well as usual at this season of th the year

Yours with respect,
S. F. Alvord.

P.S. Aletha enjoys verry good health - we have good meetings here - you should have had a letter before - but it was not til this morning that I was enabled to get an answer about Miss Wood

Mr. Perry said he should like to have Carpenter come soon - it would be well for her to come as soon as she can after receiving this. I am well

S F Alvord.

To S Judd Simeon Judd