Mt. Hol. Sem. Feb. 6th /55Dear Friend.
I did not consider it a matter of so great wonder that you should write to me, as you pretend to think; on the contrary I was quite pleased. I will endeavor in the first place to answer some of your questions. Nepos is a Latin Reader; there are some thing over a hundred pp. to be translated; it is quite difficult, more so I think
thinkthan Virgil, many do not read it untill [sic] they come here; but I would not advise any one to do so as it takes so large a part of the Junior year. If you read it before you come then you are ready to take Virgil of which they read only two books.You need to send for Arnolds Cornelius Nepos by Johnson. They are the most particular about the examinations in Latin & Arithmetic; however I did not find the examination in Arithmetic so bad as I feared. In Latin they question about parsing & pronunciation; they are very particular about & pay great attention to the pronunciation.
In Watts they were very particular this year though I beleive [sic] they have not been before. Grammar, Geography & History were very easy. Ancient Geography I had never studied so I had to study it here. If you should study Algebra any more before you come I would advise you to study the one they use here (Robinsons) as it is so much unlike Days that having studied that would be of less assistance to you than you might think. I do not apprehend any great danger of your not being prepared. Arithmetic will be easy as A.B.C. to you for it always was.
My domestic work is cooking for the sick; I work 70 minutes.
They study French if they choose; but music is not often taught.
Mary Montague is here; she was quite surprised to find that I was acquainted with you. She sends her love to you. We all study in our rooms, have a fire, bed and all things needful. I am sorry I could not have seen you as I could tell you every thing so much better than I can write.
My next vacation will commence the 4th of May; I shall be home about a week, & then you & Sarah must come and talk up the matter. I do not feel well at all to night, and can not write more; anything further which you wish to know I shall be very happy to inform you about, if you will write, and let me know what, pray do not show this to any one for I do not feel like sitting up.
Remember me to all the people Sarah in particular; I should like to know if Eleanor remembered such a person as myself; she has not answered my last letter. I like the school very much indeed, better than I intended to.
Write soon & believe me
Yours Aff -