3-4-32Prof. A. Krogh,
Juliane Mariesvej 34
Kjøbenhavn Ø.
Tlf. Nora 5090, (KL. 17-18).Dear Dr. Turner
Many thanks for your long and interesting letter of March 20'. I am glad you can see Hookers point of view in not admitting the paper, because I certainly cannot. The demonstration that the pressure is independent of the substance making up the membrane has nothing to do with method but concerns a theoretical problem of considerable importance. I think it just as well, however, that the paper is published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.
Have I told you about the latest advance in technique: to put in only 0.2 cc of serum (or plasma) and to fill up with paraffin oil of low viscosity. This renders the equalization of crystalloid pressures much more rapid and the determination can be finished in about 1 hour. Precautions against bacteria therefore become unnecessary. The values obtained with this technique agree fairly well with the normal but are perhaps very slightly lower. If you test it and can confirm it you might put in a note to that effect when reading the proof of the paper. A more detailed description will be given later by dr. Faarup. [?]
I have asked the publishers, Lea and Febiger, to send you a copy of the small textbook for college students which has just appeared. I have a few more copies deposited with the publishers. Perhaps Mrs. Drinker will want them, but if not they are at your disposal if you have friends in the teaching line to home the
ybook would be of interest.With kindest regards also from Mrs. Krogh
Yours most sincerely
August Krogh.