Risley Hall,
Ithaca, N.Y.
Sept. 22nd, 1920.Dear Miss Turner,
Thank you very much for takeing [sic] the trouble to write a letter of recommendation for me. I am very glad to tell you that I am admitted to the first year medicine at Cornell. I am now come back to Ithaca and get things ready for term. I don't know how the work will treat me, but I am sure that I shall be very busy and I shall not want to take meat on the table at the first two weeks after I take up gross anatomy. I shall write to you again and tell you how I shall get along with my work.
I just came back from the Chinese Students' Conference in Princeton. We had business meetings, talks given by some famous American men, literary contests, sports, and social parties. There were about 260 students attending the conference. The Chinese girls in the conference formed a basket ball team to challenge the American girls down town. We had lots of fun.
Have you ever heard about the Chinese Students Christian Association in North America. It aims to unit[e] the Chinese students and also tries to promote Christian spirit among the students. We have four kinds of members. Our American friend[s] are welcomed to be our cooperative members. It would be a great honor to us if you will give us the pleasure to have your name in our recording book. The membership due is one dollar per year. In return we mail to you a magazine called "Christian China" monthly. If you like to join please sign the card [no longer with the letter] and return it to me.
With best wishes
Yours respecfully [sic]
T. N. Kwong