A Letter Written on Apr 29, 1868

Augusta Apl 29. 1868 past 9. P.M.

Dr Stephen

Yours of the 26 (Sunday) for some reason did not arrive till to-night or till this afternoon mail arrived - I of course have rec'd your last term bill at Amherst College & your college bond - I am heartily glad to hear you say you "have worried all you shall," over that mysterious affair of your rank, and let me add nor over any thing else. Stick to this, and keep up good courage & good cheer, and you will be likely to have good health the rest of the term - I believe your anxiety had a good deal to do with your last attack of boils - so try and avoid all anxiety and worriment just as far as possible, take Hill's pills or the pills he prescribed, keep your bowels free, live, plain, simple and well, this is Hill's direction as he gave it to me, and as I wrote you in my last, which you should have received yesterday - I should like to know as a matter of curiosity what has been the trouble with your rank, but I am not going to physic myself about it. It was only on your account that I proposed to take any trouble in relation to it. I am sorry that my writing to you what Mr Waterhouse proposed, and what I had planned in my own mind, should have given you so much trouble - you might know that as it was enting [?] on your account, I should not come if you did not wish it - It was only to save your feelings that I proposed to come, I certainly should not think of such a thing if it were going to hurt your feelings - I have no doubt that you have behaved well then, neither has Mr Waterhouse - He suggested faculty days [dogs?] simply as mischief making and so did I. Not that you had done any thing that would do any harm if only the rest were told - nor do I doubt nor does Mr Waterhouse, that your scholarship would give you a high rank - so you see that we form a very unfavorable opinion of the rumor of conducting that College - I have no doubt your low rank of last term was in consequence of your boils - May Stanwood told mother & Lucy yesterday about a Tenny boy being sick and that he lost his rank by it - nothing was said to her about rank. mary thought it was a queer way to do.

Thursday morning 1/2 past 7 - I was so engaged after the maid came yesterday afternoon so that I did not get up to eat my supper till nearly 8 o'clock, but immediately after tea I went down to see Dolbrin [?] but he was not in - shall try him again this morning so as to have him carry out your plan in relation to your freedom [?] suit - which will be a very fine thing if properly made it will be likely to be made to suit you, and it is for you, so it is no matter whether any one else likes it or not. I speak of the style - I cannot tell how it will look till I see it on, but I do not like the picture for the cat very much - however you will have every thing just according to your orders as [...] as Dolbrin can do make them and I hope they will fit to your liking - the material I know is excellent - Henry Webster went yesterday or started for Mansfield Tioga County Pa. near Elmira NY to teach in a Normal School, salary $800 a year - Now good morning Stephen - try and keep your health & spirits up - and keep off the boils - and do the best you can for the remainder of the term and then we will be ready to take care of you if you need any care - but I hope that on the contrary, your boils will clear off and health tone up & the remainder of the term be pleasant and prosperous, so that you may come out "as bright as a button" and "we come off conquerors yet" - we are, already, so far as an education is concerned, and shall be still more if we can conquer feelings and not be overcome by the inliberality, [?] nor the stupid malignity of somebody. I do not know where to locate the troubles, but the faculty will have to bear it - although those I saw seemed friendly and to have a very good opinion of you in all aspects - and I do not doubt their sincerity & this makes the affair the more mysterious, but no matter - let that [...] go, & I will start another - Mother & Lucy send their love and best wishes for your health & happiness


Dolbrin does not understand how you want the pockets - do you want flaps on the outside? write at once -

Write often first to keep us informed in relation to every thing that concerns you -

Dolbrin seems to think that you would need flaps if you have the pockets as you write - is this your idea - first write particularly at once also about your health -